nsip / Template

Template repo for NSIP

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

image/logo goes here xxxx

(One phrase description of repo created by contributor(s)).

Website | Documentation | Installation Guide | Contribution Guide |


(A few short paragraphs on the product and what it does. Keep to an external user view.)

Supported Architectures

Currently, we provide pre-built xxxx binaries for Windows, Linux, macOS (Darwin), other....

xxxx may also be compiled from source wherever the Go compiler tool chain can run, e.g. for other operating systems including Plan 9 and Solaris.

Complete documentation is available at xxxx Documentation.

Choose How to Install

(install binary option). (note any external dependencies for binaries).

To contribute to the xxxx source code or documentation, you should fork the xxxx GitHub project and clone it to your local machine.

Finally, you can install xxxx source code with go, build the binaries yourself, and run xxxx that way. Building the binaries is an easy task for an experienced go getter.

Install xxxx (Binary Install)

Use the installation instructions in the xxxx documentation.

Build and Install the Binaries from Source (Advanced Install)

Prerequisite Tools

Fetch from GitHub

xxxx uses the Go Modules support built into Go 1.11 to build. The easiest is to clone xxxx in a directory outside of GOPATH, as in the following example:

mkdir $HOME/src
cd $HOME/src
git clone https://github.com/xxxx/xxxx.git
cd xxxx
go install

If you are a Windows user, substitute the $HOME environment variable above with %USERPROFILE%.

The xxxx Documentation

(xxxx documentation, links and/or repo as required)

Contributing to xxxx

For a complete guide to contributing to xxxx, see the Contribution Guide.

We welcome contributions to xxxx of any kind including documentation, themes, organization, tutorials, blog posts, bug reports, issues, feature requests, feature implementations, pull requests etc.

Asking Support Questions

(how to get support/ask questions) Please don't use the GitHub issue tracker to ask questions.

Reporting Issues

If you believe you have found a defect in xxxx or its documentation, use the GitHub issue tracker to report the problem to the xxxx maintainers. If you're not sure if it's a bug or not, start by asking in the discussion forum. When reporting the issue, please provide the version of xxxx in use (xxxx version).

Submitting Patches

The xxxx project welcomes all contributors and contributions regardless of skill or experience level. If you are interested in helping with the project, we will help you with your contribution. xxxx is a very active project with many contributions happening daily.

We want to create the best possible product for our users and the best contribution experience for our developers, we have a set of guidelines which ensure that all contributions are acceptable. The guidelines are not intended as a filter or barrier to participation. If you are unfamiliar with the contribution process, the xxxx team will help you and teach you how to bring your contribution in accordance with the guidelines.

For a complete guide to contributing code to xxxx, see the Contribution Guide.


xxxx stands on the shoulder of many great open source libraries, in lexical order:

Dependency License
linkname MIT License
(add rows as required)

Thanks to Hugo for this readme structure: https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo


Template repo for NSIP

License:Apache License 2.0