nschloe / tikzplotlib

:bar_chart: Save matplotlib figures as TikZ/PGFplots for smooth integration into LaTeX.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Arrows in streamplot are not rescaling

hanyas opened this issue · comments

The filled arrows of a streamplot do not rescale in tikz when the width and height of a tikzpicture is changed.

There appear to be a difference in the way the arrows of the streamplot are being exported. Older exports seem to use the path command while the new export is using draw.

I am using the same python code.

Current not working example:

\draw[-latex,draw=red] (axis cs:-0.299416525766872,0.907798855028332) -- (axis cs:-0.258538071858749,0.843958997013099);

Older working example:

\path [draw=blue, fill=blue]
(axis cs:0.791340256658056,-0.104679766709282)
.. controls (axis cs:0.79152536074049,-0.0855111167556176) and (axis cs:0.791560949914323,-0.0818256420411275) .. (axis cs:0.791447024179557,-0.0936233425658113)
(axis cs:0.740410757236433,-0.339812883259874)
--(axis cs:0.791447024179557,-0.0936233425658113)
--(axis cs:0.837669003933042,-0.345982427601314);