nschaefe / vimrc

My personalized vimrc

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



  • very good documentation, almost every line of code is documented
  • lots of useful key short-cuts, Macros, Commands etc. (see below)
  • uses Vundle to manage plugins
  • easily customizable
  • custom status-line
  • allows user-specific ~/.vimrc
  • allows project specific vimrc ;)

Plugin management with Vundle

All used plugins are managed via Vundle. If you don't know it, stop reading and check it out right now! This VIm setup requires Vundle, and it is recommendet to install it before deploying this configuration. To install all mentioned plugins, simply do :PluginInstall.

User-specific ~/.vimrc (DEPRECATED)

This vimrc automatically sources a ~/.vimrc, if available. Make sure, the command to source ~/.vimrc remains at the end of this vimrc, otherwise user-specific commands may be overwritten.

IMPORTANT: If you store the vimrc as ~/.vimrc, you have to remove the line that sources ~/.vimrc, else there is a cyclic dependence!

Project-specific vimrc

When VIm starts, it auomatically sources the .project.vim file from the current directory, if available. This allows you to adapt VIm to specific projects.


Mode Keys Effect
n,i,v,c,o Alt + Q like Esc (trust me, you will love this)
n,i Alt + W automatically wrap the text at text width (like gwgw)
i Alt + F file completion deprecated, rely on YCM's automagic path completion
n Space toggles between regular line numbering and hybrid mode
n BackSpace removes all trailing whitespaces
n Tab switch to next tab
n Shift + Tab switch to previous tab
n Ctrl + N creates a new tab, and prompts the file open dialog
n Alt + N creates a new vertical window, and prompts the file open dialog
n Ctrl + C toggle comment for the current line/block (NERDCommenter)
n ,ff switches to the alternate file (FSwitch)
n ,fh opens the alternate file left of the current window (FSwitch)
n ,fj opens the alternate file below the current windo (FSwitch)
n ,fk opens the alternate file above the current windo (FSwitch)
n ,fl opens the alternate file right of the current windo (FSwitch)
n Alt + J opens the tag list selection window (ctags)
v * forward search for the visually marked text
v # backwards search for the visually marked text
i,c F1 opens the VIm help
n F2 opens the NERD Tree (NERD Tree plugin needed)
n F3 toggles Spell on/off
n F5 toggles the TagList window (TagList)
n F6 shows compiler messages
n,i F12 inserts the current date and time

Status Line

The status line is kept minimalistic. I didn't want a blown-up thing like Powerline. For this reason everything is left aligned. When you intermix tabs with white spaces for indentation, have trailing white spaces, or have lines longer than text width, the status line will show a short warning. (See Screenshot #2)


Command / Function Effect
Untab2 replaces all tabs by 2 spaces
Untab4 replaces all tabs by 4 spaces
V <cols> vertically resize the current window to <cols> columns
Ctags <PATH> creates a C tags file for all files in the specified directory (subdirectories included)
Cpptags <PATH> creates a C++ tags file for all files in the specified directory (subdirectories included)
Cstags <PATH> creates a C# tags file for all files in the specified directory (subdirectories included)

Used Plugins

  • Spell
  • YouCompleteMe
  • FSwitch
  • Taglist
  • NERD Tree
  • NERD Commenter
  • Solarized Color Scheme


Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2


My personalized vimrc


Language:Vim Script 99.6%Language:Makefile 0.4%