nrjchnd / fsteams

FreeSwitch Teams Files

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Direct Routing Gateway for Microsoft Teams

The purpose of gateway teams is to convert UDP/RTP traffic to TLS/SRTP and allow MS Teams forward signaling. For the operation you will have to follow a series of steps carefully.

Installation Assistance

Please send an e-mail to if you need assistance in the configuration of this server. Normally it takes a full day to install, mainly waiting for the synchronization of MS Teams. The onboarding assistance is charged separately.

FreeSwitch Compilation

1 - Check if you have the directory /usr/src/freeswitch-teams

cd /usr/src/freeswitch-teams/freeswitch

2 - The FreeSwitch contained in the project must be compiled on a Debian 10 platform. It contains a few modifications in the sofia module to properly work with teams.

In the directory /usr/src/freeswitch-teams/freeswitch

./ -j
make install
make samples

Follow post installation tasks from this link to enable FreeSwitch restart use the service example in the webpage instead of the one in the source code.

3 - Firewall Configuration.

You will have to open the system for the microsoft ranges, below an example using ufw, please adapt it to your own environment. If you are running our AMI in AWS, the security group is already configured. Assuming the TCP port is 5067.


#temporary for Let's encrypt
ufw allow port 80/tcp

#open firewall for MS Teams, make sure to open also the ports for your SIP server
ufw allow in from  to any port 5067  proto tcp
ufw allow in from to any port 5067  proto tcp
ufw allow in from to any port 5067 proto tcp
ufw allow in from to any port 5067 proto tcp
ufw allow in from to any port 5067 proto tcp
ufw allow in from to any port 5067 proto tcp
ufw allow in from to any port 5067 proto tcp
ufw allow in from to any port 16384:32768 proto udp

Please add below the ports to open for your SIP server SIP and RTP ports

4 - Configuration

In the /usr/src/freeswitch-teams directory run the program, this program will clear the default configuration fo Freeswitch and remove unnecessary profiles and dial plans

cd /etc
ln -s /usr/local/freeswitch/conf freeswitch
cd /usr/src/freeswitch-teams/config

5 - Generate the digital certificate and copy then to the freeswitch directory

Install certbot

apt install snap snapd
snap install --classic certbot
ln -s /snap/bin/certbot /usr/bin/certbot
certbot certonly --standalone

Answer the questions according to your own domain. Then copy the certificates to the FreeSwitch directory.

mkdir /etc/freeswitch/tls
cat /etc/letsencrypt/live/<your-domain>/fullchain.pem >/etc/freeswitch/tls/agent.pem
cat /etc/letsencrypt/live/<your-domain>/privkey.pem >>/etc/freeswitch/tls/agent.pem
cat /etc/letsencrypt/live/<your-domain>/cert.pem >>/etc/freeswitch/tls/cafile.pem
cd /usr/src/freeswitch-teams/config
cat tls/bc2025.pem >>/etc/freeswitch/tls/cafile.pem
cat tls/dstroot.pem >>/etc/freeswitch/tls/cafile.pem

6 - Edit the local.m4 file and customize your environment.

Use the example below as a default

define(`PIPE_NAME', `')                               #Simple Pipe Name
define(`PIPE_PORT', `5067')                           #SBC SIP port
define(`SBC_FQDN', `')                                #SBC Fully Qualified Domain Name
define(`VP_HOST', `')                                 #SIP Trunk Host
define(`VP_IP', `')                                   #SIP Trunk IP
define(`VP_PORT', `9999')                             #SIP Trunk Port
define(`VP_USERNAME', `tgw')                          #SIP Trunk Username
define(`VP_PASSWORD', `##')                           #SIP Trunk Password
define(`VP_PROTOCOL', `UDP')                          #SIP Trunk Protocol
define(`VP_CODEC_STRING', `SILK,PCMU,PCMA')           #SIP Trunk Codec
define(`VP_INBOUND_MATCH', `^(4833328[0-9]{3})$')     #Inbound Match for numbers coming from SIP Provider
define(`VP_OUTBOUND_REPLACE', `+55')                  #Replace for numbers coming from SIP Provider
define(`VP_REGISTER', `false')                                    #Register in the SIP trunk
define(`REFER', `true')                                           #Use REFER
define(`TE_INBOUND_MATCH', `^\+55([2-9][0-9][2-9][0-9]{7,8})$') - #Inbound Match for numbers coming from MS Teams
define(`TE_OUTBOUND_REPLACE', `11740')                          - #Replace numbers coming from TEAMS

7 - Create the pipes in the configuration. PIPE is our metaphor for a SIP peer to peer connection between two entities.

./ <pipe_name>

./ tga

8 - Restart Freeswitch after the changes.

9 - Microsoft Teams Tenant Configuration

Step 1: You must use Microsoft Powershell, Windows or Linux version to configure Tenant Microsoft Teams. For this you need to download the Teams Connector. Use PowerShell in administrator mode.

Install-Module -Name PowerShellGet -Force -AllowClobber

Answer yes to all questions


10 - Add the domain of your SBC


Verify by adding a txt to your DNS server


Create the required DNS records for the SBC


If using cloudflare, Microsoft adds them automatically, if using another DNS server you will have to add them manually

At the end your domain should be completed


11 - Create the SBC gateway using the command below

In SBC FQDN, you must use the SBC pipe name and designated signaling port. The number of simultaneous connections must also be added.

New-CsOnlinePSTNGateway -Fqdn <SBC FQDN> -SipSignalingPort <SBC SIP Port> -MaxConcurrentSessions <Max Concurrent Sessions the SBC can handle> -Enabled $true -Bypass $false

The SBC can take up to 60 minutes to become operational

12 - Enable Microsoft Phone System licenses for users in the Office 365 admin interface

13 - Enable user to use phone number and enterprise voice feature

Set-CsUser -Identity "<User name>" -EnterpriseVoiceEnabled $true -HostedVoiceMail $true -OnPremLineURI tel:<E.164 phone number>

Set-CsUser -Identity "" -OnPremLineURI tel:+14255388797 -EnterpriseVoiceEnabled $true -HostedVoiceMail $true

It may take from a few minutes to a few hours before the user can see the calls menu on their MS Teams screen.

14 - Create PSTN Usages

Let's use three PSTN Usages Local Long distance International Hierarchically, those who have internationals have the two below.

Set-CsOnlinePstnUsage -Identity Global -Usage @{Add="Local"}
Set-CsOnlinePstnUsage -Identity Global -Usage @{Add="Long Distance"}
Set-CsOnlinePstnUsage -Identity Global -Usage @{Add="International"}

To check, use:


15 - Create the voice routes


New-CsOnlineVoiceRoute -Identity "Local" -NumberPattern "^\+5548(\d{8,9})$" -OnlinePstnGatewayList, -Priority 1 -OnlinePstnUsages "Local"

Long distance

New-CsOnlineVoiceRoute -Identity "Long Distance" -NumberPattern "^\+55[1-9][1-9](\d{8,9})$" -OnlinePstnGatewayList, -Priority 1 -OnlinePstnUsages "Long Distance"

International (When possible do not enable international calls, to avoid fraud or set more restricted destinations)

New-CsOnlineVoiceRoute -Identity "Internacional LD" -NumberPattern

Microsoft Certification

This product is not certified by Microsoft. Use at your own risk.


FreeSwitch Teams Files


Language:M4 69.6%Language:Shell 17.6%Language:Smarty 12.8%