nripendra / is a xspec flavored BDD framework that tries to mimic Gherkin syntax as closely as possible.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool is a xspec flavored BDD framework written in c#, that tries to mimic Gherkin syntax as closely as possible.

It is implemented as an extension to

Let's look at an typical example of a feature explained in Gherkin syntax.

Feature: Password management

    An authenticated user must be able to change password, by providing new and old password. 
    If user isn't authenticated yet, then providing email (that user had registered with), 
    s/he shoudld be able to reset password. Resetting password will cause an email to be sent to 
    the user with a new system generated password.

    Given that following users exist
        |username |password|
        |bob@123  |pass1   |
        |sam@123  |pass2   |

@PBI-32160 @Bug-42150 @Sprint-1
Scenario: Successfull password change
    Given that I have logged in with 'bob@123'
        And I have set oldpassword to 'pass1' and new password to 'pass2'
    When I call reset password
    Then it should be successful
        And calling GetByCredentials with username: 'bob@123' and with password: 'pass1' should return null
        And calling GetByCredentials with username: 'bob@123' and password: 'pass2' 
            should return a user with username 'bob@123'

@PBI-32160 @Bug-42150 @Sprint-1
Scenario: Unsuccessfull password change, due to wrong old password
    Given that I have logged in with 'bob@123'
        And I have set oldpassword to 'abc' and new password to 'pass2'
    When I call reset password
    Then it should not succeed
        And calling GetByCredentials with username: 'bob@123' and password: 'abc' should return null
        And calling GetByCredentials with username: 'bob@123' and password: 'pass1' should user

Now lets look at syntax

using Moq;
using Ploeh.AutoFixture;
using Ploeh.AutoFixture.AutoMoq;
using System.Linq;
using xGherkin;
using Xunit.Should;

namespace xGherkinTests
    Feature("Password management",
               @"An authenticated user must be able to change password, by providing new and old password. 
                 If user isn't authenticated yet, then providing email (that user had registered with), 
                 s/he shoudld be able to reset password. Resetting password will cause an email to be sent to 
                 the user with a new system generated password.
    public class PasswordManagement
        public void Background()
            "Given that following users exist".Do(new GherkinTable("username", "password")
                {"bob@123", "pass1"},
                {"sam@123", "pass2"}
            }, SetupUserService);

        [PBI("32160"), Bug("42150"), Sprint("1"),
        Scenario("Successfull password change")]
        public void Scenario1()
            string oldpassword = "";
            string newpassword = "";
            bool success = false;

            "Given that I have logged in with 'bob@123'".Do(_ =>
                _authenticatedUser = new User { Username = "bob@123", Password = "pass1" };

            "And I have set oldpassword to 'pass1' and new password to 'pass2'".Do(_ =>
                oldpassword = "pass1";
                newpassword = "pass2";

            "When I call reset password".Do(_ =>
                success = _userService.ResetPassword(_authenticatedUser, oldpassword, newpassword);

            "Then it should be successful".Do(_ => 

            "And calling GetByCredentials with username: 'bob@123' and with password: 'pass1' should return null".Do(_ =>
                _userService.GetByCredentials("bob@123", "pass1").ShouldBeNull();

            @"And calling GetByCredentials with username: 'bob@123' and password: 'pass2' 
        should return a user with username 'bob@123'".Do(_ =>
                var user = _userService.GetByCredentials("bob@123", "pass2");



        [PBI("32160"), Bug("42150"), Sprint("1"),
        Scenario("Unsuccessfull password change, due to wrong old password")]
        public void Scenario2()
            string oldpassword = "";
            string newpassword = "";
            bool success = false;

            "Given that I have logged in with 'bob@123'".Do(_ =>
                _authenticatedUser = new User { Username = "bob@123", Password = "pass1" };

            "And I have set oldpassword to 'abc' and new password to 'pass2'".Do(_ =>
                oldpassword = "abc";
                newpassword = "pass2";

            "When I call reset password".Do(_ =>
                success = _userService.ResetPassword(_authenticatedUser, oldpassword, newpassword);

            "Then it should not succeed".Do(_ =>

            @"And calling GetByCredentials with username: 'bob@123' and password: 'abc' should return null".Do(_ =>
                _userService.GetByCredentials("bob@123", "abc").ShouldBeNull();

            @"And calling GetByCredentials with username: 'bob@123' and password: 'pass1' should user".Do(_ =>
                _userService.GetByCredentials("bob@123", "pass1").ShouldNotBeNull();


        IUserService _userService;
        User _authenticatedUser;

        private void SetupUserService(GherkinTable table)
            var userFromTable = table.Rows.Select(x => new User { Username = x[0] as string, Password = x[1] as string }).ToList();

            IFixture fixture = new Fixture().Customize(new AutoMoqCustomization());
            var serviceMock = fixture.Freeze<Mock<IUserService>>();

            serviceMock.Setup(rep => rep.GetByCredentials(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<string>())).Returns<string, string>((username, password) =>
                return userFromTable.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Username == username && x.Password == password);

            serviceMock.Setup(rep => rep.ResetPassword(It.IsAny<User>(), It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<string>())).Returns<User, string, string>((user, oldpassword, newpassword) =>
                var svcUser = userFromTable.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Username == user.Username && x.Password == oldpassword);
                if (svcUser != null)
                    svcUser.Password = newpassword;
                    return true;

                return false;

            _userService = serviceMock.Object;

Notice how similar syntax is to plain Gherkin. Just remove the c# noise and what remains will be pure Gherkin.

There is support for much of Gherkin syntax such as:

  • Feature with description
  • Scenario with Given-When-Then steps
  • Scenario outline, that can parameterize the Scenario steps
  • Example table
  • Fixture table in given step is also supported.
  • Background
  • Tags also support some built in scrum tags such as:

  • PBI
  • Task
  • Sprint
  • Bug

Also there is an 'Issue' tag to represent Github issue.


This library has been released under the term of very open MIT license, so feel free to extend or modify it any way you like. is built upon testing framework, which is released under Apache V2, which itself is quite open and flexible license too.

Test project, and sample codes uses following libraries:

Library License
xunit.should Unsure
AutoFixture MIT

Each of these libraries have their own licenses, so be careful that's MIT license doesn't cover third party libraries.


There has no violations of any license in the process of building this software that I'm aware of. Please notify me about such license violation if found, I will investigate and rectify the issue promptly.

Building from source

If you prefer to compile from it's source yourself, you'll need:

  • Visual Studio 2013 (I haven't tested in other versions)
  • Windows 8 or higher (I haven't tested in other versions)
  • Git or Github for windows

To get the source code you can clone it locally, by clicking the "Clone in Desktop" button above.

If you are more of a command line hacker, here are the sequence of commands you'd be interested in:

git clone

The build.cmd is setup to update nuget (if available), install Fake.Core package (if necessary) and then run build.fsx

Working with source:

Once the repository is cloned, open the solution file in visual studio.

  • Make any change you want.
  • Open package manager console (TOOLS > Nuget Package Manager > Package Manager Console).
  • And type ".\build.cmd" inside the Package Manager Console.

About is a xspec flavored BDD framework that tries to mimic Gherkin syntax as closely as possible.

License:MIT License


Language:C# 88.1%Language:F# 11.0%Language:Shell 0.9%