nplutt / pydantic-remote-config

pydantic extension to fetch configuration from various remote sources including SSM, SecretsManager, etc.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Library that extends pydantic's BaseSettings model and integrates with various remote sources to fetch application secrets & configuration. Supported remote sources include:


For AWS services support:

$ pip install pydantic-remote-config[aws]


Simple Example

from import SecretsManager, SSMParam
from pydantic_remote_config import RemoteSettings

class Settings(RemoteSettings):
    param_1: str = SSMParam("/foo/bar/param")
    param_2: int = SSMParam("/foo/bar/num_param")
    secret: str = SecretsManager("test-secret")

settings = Settings()
#> Settings(param_1="remote param", param_2=101, secret="super secret code")

Templating strings

Strings can be templated using attributes that have been defined in the class and have corresponding environment variables set. This is useful in cases where a value is stored under a different path depending on the environment.

In this example if the environment variable ENV is set to dev, the /app-name/dev/db_password value will be retrieved.

from import SSMParam
from pydantic_remote_config import RemoteSettings

class Settings(RemoteSettings):
    env: str

    db_password: str = SSMParam("/app-name/{env}/db_password")

Accessing Nested Values

Key value pairs can be accessed by specifying the key arg. The example below illustrates an example where only the database password is retrieved from a json object.

SSM Param value for /app-name/database_info:

  "host": "",
  "port": 5432,
  "username": "db_user",
  "password": "super-secret-password"

Remote config implementation:

from import SSMParam
from pydantic_remote_config import RemoteSettings

class Settings(RemoteSettings):
    db_password: str = SSMParam("/app-name/database_info", key="password")

Class Configuration

Each remote source or class of sources has its own configuration class that can be set.


The AWS config class supports specifying an aws region to fetch configuration from. Note that this will override the default aws region configured on the machine or boto3.

from import SecretsManager, SSMParam
from pydantic_remote_config import RemoteSettings
from pydantic_remote_config.config import AWSConfig

class Settings(RemoteSettings):
    env: str
    param: str = SSMParam("/foo/bar")
    secret: dict = SecretsManager("test-secret")

    class Config:
        aws = AWSConfig(region='us-west-2')

MyPy Support

This library works with mypy!


This library aims to be the one stop shop for python applications that need to fetch configuration from remote sources regardless of source. Services that are supported or on the roadmap are listed below.

  • AWS Secrets Manager
  • AWS SSM Parameter Store
  • Hashicorp Vault
  • Hashicorp Consul
  • Azure Key Vault

If you'd like to add a service to our roadmap, please open an issue and we'll be happy to get it added.



Development Dependencies

  • asdf for managing multiple python version
  • pre-commit for formatting & linting code before commits
  • poetry managing dependencies & publishing the package

Installing Development Dependencies


pydantic extension to fetch configuration from various remote sources including SSM, SecretsManager, etc.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%