npathai / hamcrest-optional

Matchers for JDK 8 Optional

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hamcrest Optional

Travis CI build Coverage Status Maven Central MIT license

An extension to Java Hamcrest which provides matchers for java.util.Optional.

Maven Dependency

Version 2.0.0 - Latest


  • Methods renamed from hasValue to isPresentAndIs/isPresentAnd for better fluency.

Version 1.0



hamcrest-optional provides four matchers for Optional: isEmpty(), isPresent(), isPresentAndIs(Object) and isPresentAnd(Matcher).


This matcher matches when the examined Optional contains no value.

import static com.github.npathai.hamcrestopt.OptionalMatchers.isEmpty;

Optional<Object> optional = Optional.empty();
assertThat(optional, isEmpty());


This matcher matches when the examined Optional contains a value.

import static com.github.npathai.hamcrestopt.OptionalMatchers.isPresent;

Optional<String> optional = Optional.of("dummy value");
assertThat(optional, isPresent());


This matcher matches when the examined Optional contains a value that is logically equal to the specified object.

import static com.github.npathai.hamcrestopt.OptionalMatchers.isPresentAndIs;

Optional<String> optional = Optional.of("dummy value");
assertThat(optional, isPresentAndIs("dummy value"));


This matcher matches when the examined Optional contains a value that satisfies the specified matcher.

import static com.github.npathai.hamcrestopt.OptionalMatchers.isPresentAnd;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.startsWith;

Optional<String> optional = Optional.of("dummy value");
assertThat(optional, isPresentAnd(startsWith("dummy")));

Development Guide

hamcrest-optional is build with Maven. If you want to contribute code then

  • Please write a test for your change.
  • Ensure that you don't break the build by running mvn verify -Dgpg.skip.
  • Fork the repo and create a pull request. (See Understanding the GitHub Flow)

hamcrest-optional supports Travis CI for continuous integration. Your pull request is automatically build by Travis CI.

Release Guide

  • Select a new version according to the Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 Standard.
  • Set the new version in pom.xml.
  • Commit the modified pom.xml.
  • Push the commit: git push origin master
  • Run mvn clean deploy with JDK 8.
  • Add a tag for the release: git tag hamcrest-optional-X.X.X
  • Push the tag: git push origin hamcrest-optional-X.X.X


Matchers for JDK 8 Optional

License:MIT License


Language:Java 100.0%