nowfloats / ANAChat-Web

Deploy ANA chat bot onto your web site using this ANA Web Chat Plugin.

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Ana Web Chat Plugin

License: GPL v3

Use Ana Web Chat Plugin to deploy your Ana chat bot onto your website.

  • Brand it as your website.
  • Mobile friendly out of the box.
  • A small code snippet to integrate it on any page.


Step 1:

Setup Ana Conversation Studio and Ana Chat Server to design and publish an Ana chat bot.

  • Assuming you have done that have an Ana Chat Server URL, let's call it

Step 2:

Download from releases, extract and host it on any normal http server. Note the server URL. Let's call it

  • If you want to host this at a path like /web-plugin/ instead of the root of your server, you will also need to update <base href="/"> inside head of index.html to <base href="/web-plugin/">. If you do it, Ana web chat plug-in server URL will now be

Step 3:

Using Ana Conversation Studio, design a chat bot, publish it and note down the chat project id. Let's call it chat-bot-1

  • Click here if you have not setup Ana Conversation Studio and created your chat bot yet!

Step 4:

You need few more things listed below

  • The color hex code you want your chat window to be in. For Ana it's #8cc83c
  • Logo URL for the chat bot. For Ana it's
  • Your chat bot name and a small description.
  • If your chat bot asks for locations to the users, you will need a google api key with google static maps and google maps javaScript SDK enabled. Head over to Google API Console to get one.

Step 5:

Replace all the placeholders in the below code with the onces noted above, copy and paste it in your website's html file just above the </body> (body's closing tag)

<script type="text/javascript" id="ana-web-chat-script"


ana-logo-url="<Your chat bot logo url>"
ana-agent-name="<Chat bot name>"
ana-agent-desc="<A small description>"

ana-gmaps-key="<Your Google Maps API Key>"



Advanced options

No of seconds to wait and open the chat window automatically:

Show or hide chat reset button:
ana-allow-chat-reset="true" or "false"

Enable HTML formatting in messages:
ana-html-messages="true" or "false"

Load only current chat session in history:
ana-current-session-only="false" or "true"

Show or hide 'Powered by Ana':
ana-show-branding="true" or "false"

Enable chat message sounds:
ana-msg-sounds="false" or "true"

Manual Initialization

By default, the script will be initialized automatically. If you want to pass your own userId and any variables during the initialization, you need to add ana-manual-init="true" to the script tag and add the below snippet with the information you need.

Ana(<user-id>, {


Ana Web Chat Plugin is available under the GNU GPLv3 license.


Deploy ANA chat bot onto your web site using this ANA Web Chat Plugin.


Language:TypeScript 58.5%Language:HTML 14.9%Language:JavaScript 14.3%Language:CSS 12.2%