nowa / copilot.el

An unofficial Copilot plugin for Emacs.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Copilot.el is an Emacs plugin for GitHub Copilot.

Warning: This plugin is unofficial and based on binaries provided by copilot.vim.

Warning: This plugin is under development. The name of commands and variables may change in the future.

Note: You need access to Copilot technical preview to use this plugin.


  1. Install Node.js 12 or newer.

  2. Setup copilot.el as described in the next section.

  3. Login to Copilot by M-x copilot-login. You can also check the status by M-x copilot-diagnose.

  4. Enjoy!


1. Load copilot.el

Option 1: Load via straight.el (recommended)

(use-package copilot
  :straight (:host github :repo "zerolfx/copilot.el"
                   :files ("dist" "copilot.el"))
  :ensure t)
; you can put your other copilot configurations under :config

Option 2: Load manually

Please make sure you have these dependencies installed:

  • dash
  • s
  • editorconfig
; Load copilot.el, modify this path to your local path.
(load-file "~/path/to/copilot.el")

2. Configure completion

Option 1: Use copilot-mode to automatically provide completions

; enable copilot in programming modes
(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'copilot-mode)

For evil users, you will want to add this line to have completions only when in insert state:

(customize-set-variable 'copilot-enable-predicates '(evil-insert-state-p))

To customize the behavior of copilot-mode, please check copilot-enable-predicates and copilot-disable-predicates.

Option 2: Manually provide completions

You need to bind copilot-complete to some key and add a wrapped copilot-clear-overlay to post-command-hook.

3. Configure completion acceptation

In general, you need to bind copilot-accept-completion to some key in order to accept the completion.

Example of using tab with company-mode

; complete by copilot first, then company-mode
(defun my-tab ()
  (or (copilot-accept-completion)
      (company-indent-or-complete-common nil)))

; modify company-mode behaviors
(with-eval-after-load 'company
  ; disable inline previews
  (delq 'company-preview-if-just-one-frontend company-frontends)
  ; enable tab completion
  (define-key company-mode-map (kbd "<tab>") 'my-tab)
  (define-key company-mode-map (kbd "TAB") 'my-tab)
  (define-key company-active-map (kbd "<tab>") 'my-tab)
  (define-key company-active-map (kbd "TAB") 'my-tab))

Example of using tab with auto-complete

; complete by copilot first, then auto-complete
(defun my-tab ()
  (or (copilot-accept-completion)
      (ac-expand nil)))

(with-eval-after-load 'auto-complete
  ; disable inline preview
  (setq ac-disable-inline t)
  ; show menu if have only one candidate
  (setq ac-candidate-menu-min 0)
  (define-key ac-completing-map (kbd "TAB") 'my-tab)
  (define-key ac-completing-map (kbd "<tab>") 'my-tab))

(define-key global-map [remap indent-for-tab-command] 'my-tab)



Check the current status of the plugin. Also you can check error logs in the *copilot-log* buffer.


Login to GitHub, required for using the plugin.


Enable/disable copilot mode.


Try to complete at the current point.


Accept the current completion.


Clear copilot overlay in the current buffer.

copilot-accept-completion-by-line / copilot-accept-completion-by-word

Similar to copilot-accept-completion, but accept the completion by line or word. You can use prefix argument to specify the number of lines or words to accept.

copilot-next-completion / copilot-previous-completion

Cycle through the completion list.



Time in seconds to wait before starting completion (default to 0). Note Copilot itself has a ~100ms delay because of network communication.


A list of predicate functions with no argument to enable Copilot in copilot-mode. Copilot will be enabled only if all predicates return t.


A list of predicate functions with no argument to disable Copilot in copilot-mode. Copilot will be disabled if any predicate returns t.


  • Setup Copilot without Neovim
  • Cycle through suggestions
  • Add Copilot minor-mode
  • Add package to MELPA
  • Test compatibility with vanilla Emacs and other auto completion packages


These projects helped me a lot:


An unofficial Copilot plugin for Emacs.


Language:Emacs Lisp 100.0%