novynngsh / PDF-Malware-Anomaly-Detection-with-Decision-Tree-Algorithm

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I do this greats project with my best Infosec Team Rani, Alifah, Indah, Shena, and Nata. And very thankfull for our Supervisors,

  1. Prof. Deris Stiawan, M.T., Ph.D
  2. Tri Wanda Septiawan, S.Kom., M.Sc.
  3. Nurul Afifah, M.Kom.

for helped and guided us to complete this project:)

So this is my own project codes for my final task as a Student of Computer System at Sriwijaya University.

Dataset sources: GARUDA(Garba Rujukan Digital)

Method: SMOTE (Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique) and Decision Tree Algorithm for Classification

Novi Yuningsih