novinsh / trajectory-forecasting

Code supporting my Master's thesis

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Human trajectory forecasting

This repository contains the code for the human trajectory forecasting method developed as part of the following Master's thesis

The main branch for the Master's thesis is Some additional useful files and notebooks can be found there.


The method was developed and tested with Python 3.9 and the libraries listed in requirements.txt. The required libraries can be easily installed via pip install -r requirements.txt.

Our method

The new trajectory forecasting method resides in In short, the method operates by generating a large number of potential future trajectories for one historical trajectory, and then choosing a limited number of representative predictions from them by dividing them into separate probability groups and running K-Means clustering on each group separately. An in depth description of the method can be found in the aforementioned thesis in chapter 3.

The main function for using the method is predict(). Its input parameters are shown in the table below (non-compulsory parameters with default values are marked with *).

Parameter name Parameter value Meaning
sample_x List of floats, e.g. [1.0, 1.8, 2.3, ...] The x-coordinates of an observed historical trajectory
sample_y List of floats, e.g. [1.0, 1.8, 2.3, ...] The y-coordinates of an observed historical trajectory
params Dictionary (possible values brought out separately below) The parameters for our method which manipulate its inner workings
trajectory_length* Integer (default 5) Marks the desired length of the predicted trajectories
clustering_method* String ('KMeans' or 'KMedoids', default 'Kmeans') The clustering method used for choosing representative predictions
smoothing* Boolean (default True) Applies smoothing to representative predictions to reduce sudden turns

The following table describes the values for the params argument mentioned above. These parameters manipulate the inner workings of the algorithm. They control the generation of the large number of possible future trajectories and the process of choosing a limited number of representative predictions from them. The detailed explanation and reasoning behind the actions of each parameter can be found in the thesis under chapters 3.1 and 3.2.

Parameter name Parameter value Meaning
NOISE Float The amount of noise added to every historical datapoint when generating one potential future trajectory. The noise is sampled from a Gaussian distribution with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of NOISE.
NO_OF_TRAJECTORIES Integer The number of future trajectories generated for one historical trajectory by the generative step of the algorithm.
CONST_VEL_MODEL_PROB Float (between 0.0 and 1.0) The probability of choosing the constant velocity model for generating potential future trajectories (applied before the generation of each trajectory). If the CVM isn't chosen for prediction, then the constant turning model is chosen instead.
DISCOUNT_AVG_PROB Float (between 0.0 and 1.0) The probability of using discounted/weighted averaging when calculating the base velocity and the base angle for the constant velocity model / constant turning model.
DISCOUNT_LOWER_BOUND Float (between 0.0 and 1.0) The lower bound for sampling the discount factor (or weight) for discounted average calculation. Value of 1.0 would turn discounted averaging into regular averaging.
STOP_PROB Float (between 0.0 and 1.0) Probability of applying the stopping event during the generation of each future trajectory
VELOCITY_CHANGE_PROB Float (between 0.0 and 1.0) The probability of changing the velocity during the generation of each future trajectory
VELOCITY_CHANGE_NOISE Float The standard deviation used for sampling noise from a Gaussian distribution which is added to the constant velocity when the constant velocity change event is applied
ANGLE_CHANGE_PROB Float (between 0.0 and 1.0) The probability of changing the direction of the velocity during the generation of each future trajectory
ANGLE_CHANGE_NOISE Float The standard deviation used for sampling noise from a Gaussian distribution which is added to the constant angle when the angle change event is applied
GROUP_PERCENTAGES List of floats, e.g. [0.2, 0.68, 0.95, 1.0] (have to be increasing, low value of >0.0, max value of 1.0) Specifies the percentile ranges of groups for dividing generated trajectories into partitions. E.g. [0.2, 0.68, 0.95, 1.0] would create four groups where the first group would contain the top 20% of the generated trajectories, the second group would contain top 20% to top 68%, the third group would contain top 68% to top 95% and the fourth would contain top 95% to 100%.
GROUP_CLUSTER_COUNT List of integers, e.g. [1, 5, 5, 3] (has to match the length of GROUP_PERCENTAGES) Specifies the parameter k for K-Means clustering done for each group of generated trajectories. In other words, this controls how many representative predictions are chosen from each percentage group. For example, [1, 5, 5, 5] would mean that a single representative is chosen from the first group, and five representatives from every other group.

The following is an example of the params argument:

params = {
    'NOISE': 0.05, 
    'STOP_PROB': 0.025, 
    'DISCOUNT_AVG_PROB': 1.0, 
    'ANGLE_CHANGE_PROB': 0.2, 
    'GROUP_PERCENTAGES': [0.1, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0], 
    'GROUP_CLUSTER_COUNT': [1, 9, 6, 4]

The predict() function outputs multiple trajectory predictions with probabilities as follows:

  [[0.4, 0.6, 0.7, ...], [1.3, 1.4, 1.6, ...], ...], # The x-coordinate values for each future trajectory 
  [[0.9, 0.8, 0.5, ...], [1.1, 0.8, 0.4, ...], ...], # The y-coordinate values for each future trajectory
  [0.2, 0.11, 0.07, ...]                             # The probability/weight of each future trajectory

Useful notebooks

  • results_comparison.ipynb: An experiment comparing the performance of the new method to Trajectron++ and the constant velocity model.
  • generative_model_illustrations.ipynb: Allows running our method with illustrations of various steps of the algorithm (generated future trajectories, kernel density map of the future trajectories, chosen representative predictions)


A visualization script is included for illustrating the workflow of the new method in real time on existing datasets. It opens a PyQt UI which allows to visualize the movement of humans in the ETH dataset and the predictions of the new forecasting method.

visualization demo

The script is based on the visualization script provided in the OpenTraj repository The datasets with videos are sourced from there as well. The script currently supports the visualization of the sets of data in the ETH dataset (eth and hotel). The script can be enhanced by including other datasets with videos from OpenTraj to the ./raw_data folder and by editing the end of to accomodate the new sets similarly to ETH.

The script has three non-compulsory parameters:

  • --data-root specifies the location of the OpenTraj datasets (by default in the ./raw_data folder)
  • --dataset specifies which dataset to visualize, currently the only options are the eth and hotel (default is eth )
  • --model-params provides a path to a .json file containing the parameters for our method (the params dictionary shown above). By default a simple configuration is used which produces 4 predictions. An example configuration file is included under example_params.json.

and one boolean flag

  • --record when the flag is provided then the visualization played by the script is recorded to a separate file named output.avi. This can be useful as the visualization UI can get quite slow when a lot of people are moving around in the scene. The recording is created in a fixed framerate which allows for smooth playback.

An example of calling the script with all options:

$ python --data-root './raw_data' --dataset 'eth' --model-params './example_params.json' --record

Pre-rendered visualization videos of the eth and hotel datasets are stored under media.


Code supporting my Master's thesis


Language:Jupyter Notebook 98.9%Language:Python 1.1%