Novasecure is a Nova app that will provide callback url for different auth providers. This library is based on (Ueberauth)[] that have does this for Phoenix and Elixir.
This app is a generic layer that will depend on other repos depending on what provider you want to use for your site.
To start using this in your Nova app you will need to add Novasecure to your rebar.config
{deps, [
{flatlog, "0.1.2"},
{novasecure, ".*", {git, "", {branch, "main"}}},
{novasecure_github, ".*", {git, "", {branch, "main"}}}
This configuration have also added the github provider that will handle the logic for how to authenticate using an github account.
In your sys.config
you will need to configure for different providers:
{novasecure, [{github, #{client_id => CLIENTID,
client_secret => CLIENTSECRET,
redirect_url => <<"/user">>}}]}