nousmotards / Android-Iconics

Android-Iconics is a library to use (almost) any alternative iconfont in your projects. It allows you to add any Android-Iconics compatible typeface-library-addon to your project and you are able to start using that font.

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#Android-Iconics Maven Central Android Arsenal

Android-Iconics is a library to use (almost) any alternative iconfont in your projects. It allows you to add any Android-Iconics compatible typeface-library-addon to your project and you are able to start using that font.

Fonts included by default:

  • FontAwesome
  • Material Design Icons

Fonts available as addon:

  • Meteocons
  • Octicons
  • Community Material Icons

__ UPGRADE FROM < 1.6.0:

  • there is now a core package which comes without included fonts
  • the basic package comes with GoogleMaterial and FontAwesome

Let's start with some awesome screenshots ;)

Image Image

##Include in your project The Android-Iconics Library is pushed to [Maven Central], so you just need to add the following dependency to your build.gradle.

dependencies {
	compile 'com.mikepenz:iconics:1.6.2@aar'

##Only the core Provide your own font without the additional icons

dependencies {
	compile 'com.mikepenz:iconics-core:1.6.2@aar'

##How to use

Use it as Drawable anywhere. Create it like this:

new IconicsDrawable(this, FontAwesome.Icon.faw_android).color(Color.RED).sizeDp(24)

You can use these icons in any IconicTextView just by defining the icon within the text. An example for FontAwesome looks like this: {faw-github}. You see pretty easy right?

Or use it on any text by using the simple builder pattern. Here's the shortest possible sample:

new Iconics.IconicsBuilder().ctx(this).on(YOUR_TEXT_VIEW).build();

Define icons in a text as following:

Some great text with a {faw-android} font awesome icon and {met-wind} meteocons icons.

###Register fonts

If you want to add your own custom font, or a GenericFont you have to register this font (before using it). The best place to do this is the Application.

public class CustomApplication extends Application {
    public void onCreate() {

        //only required if you add a custom or generic font on your own

        //register custom fonts like this (or also provide a font definition file)
        Iconics.registerFont(new CustomFont());

        //Generic font creation process
        GenericFont gf2 = new GenericFont("gmf", "fonts/materialdrawerfont.ttf");
        gf2.registerIcon("person", '\ue800');
        gf2.registerIcon("up", '\ue801');
        gf2.registerIcon("down", '\ue802');

###Usage in layouts

There are also custom views which allow you to use an Android-Iconics icon out of the box.






        android:text="{faw-adjust} Button"

For more samples look at the source code of the sample.

##Use typeface-library-addons One basic function of this library is the feature to drop in new typefaces on the go. The default font of this project is FontAwesome (, but you can create and add as many as you like.

The main idea is that the community can create libraries which can be used without the need of an extra library.

So how does it work? Just add the dependency of any and as many typface-library-addons in your build.gradle just beneath the android-iconics dependency.

dependencies {
	compile 'com.mikepenz:iconics:1.6.2@aar'
	compile 'com.mikepenz:octicons-typeface:2.2.1@aar'
	compile 'com.mikepenz:meteocons-typeface:1.1.2@aar'
	compile 'com.mikepenz:community-material-typeface:1.1.71@aar'

To enable them for the IconicsTextView too follow the steps under Register typeface

##Advanced usage

###working with multiple typeface-library-addons and icons In some cases you will use multiple typefaces. It is really easy to decide which icon of which typeface-library-addon should be used. Each of those got a unique 3-character long identifier which is the prefix of every single icon. FontAwesome - "faw" Meteocons - "met"

Evertime you want to use an icon in a text just write {faw-adjust}, ...

###Register typeface In some cases you will love to use a typeface-library-addon in your IconicTextView and everywhere else without the need of adding it as typeface all the time.

Just override your Application and register your additional fonts like this:

public class CustomApplication extends Application {
    public void onCreate() {
        Iconics.registerFont(new Meteoconcs());
        Iconics.registerFont(new Octicons());
        Iconics.registerFont(new CommunityMaterial());
        Iconics.registerFont(new CustomFont());

and set it in your AndroidManifest.xml as name


###Advanced IconicsBuilder Everything is easy and simple. Right? But now you got a single icon within your textview and you need additional styling? Just define the style for all icons or only a specific one. You can find this in the PlaygroundActivity of the sample too.

new Iconics.IconicsBuilder().ctx(this)
                .style(new ForegroundColorSpan(Color.WHITE), new BackgroundColorSpan(Color.BLACK), new RelativeSizeSpan(2f))
                .styleFor(FontAwesome.Icon.faw_adjust, new BackgroundColorSpan(Color.RED))

###String icon-key or typeface enum Sometimes you won't like to use the icon-key ("faw-adjust") like this, but use the enum provided by a specific font. Both is valid:

  new IconicsDrawable(this, "faw-adjust").actionBarSize()
  new IconicsDrawable(this, FontAwesome.Icon.faw_adjust).sizeDp(24)

##Available fonts

##Demo You can try the sample application out. It's on Google Play ;)

##Contribute The easiest way to contribute is by creating a new typeface-library addon. This is a pretty easy step. Just look into the meteocons-typeface-library project within this repository. You will see you only need 2 things. The font itself (the .ttf file). And the Typeface definition which is an implementation of the ITypeface class.

Just fill in the required information, create the mapping and it works. To help the users using your typeface-library-addon you should upload it to maven and let me know so i can add it to the list of available fonts.

So the hardest part is to create the mapping. I also have a solution for this problem. Just use the awesome service of create a typeface-library-addon of one of the provided fonts there or upload your own. If missing customize the names. Choose a good 3-character long prefix (css prefix under settings) and download the webfont. This will include the .ttf to use, and a file called test-codes.css under css. This repository includes a small helper to create the enum-list for the Typeface definition class. (You can find it under /DEV/extractor). Just drop the test-codes.css in the same folder. rename it to test.css and run the extractor.js with node extractor.js. This will output the correct list.

If something is unclear, don't be afraid to drop an e-mail, or create an github issue.


  • Joan Zapata He is the creator of Android-Iconify which gave me the idea of this project. It implements some really great concepts, and i only tried to improve them and give it some more flexibility.

#Developed By


Copyright 2015 Mike Penz

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.


Android-Iconics is a library to use (almost) any alternative iconfont in your projects. It allows you to add any Android-Iconics compatible typeface-library-addon to your project and you are able to start using that font.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 98.1%Language:CSS 1.1%Language:Shell 0.5%Language:JavaScript 0.3%