notthebee / homeserver

docker-compose files for my home server

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The docker-compose configuration I used to use for my home server/NAS.

I've since switched to Ansible for my infrastracture management:



Media server and general maintenance:

  • Ouroboros, to update all of the containers automatically
  • arch-delugevpn, runs Deluge, Wireguard and Privoxy with a VPN killswitch
  • Jellyfin, a media server
  • Sonarr, a TV show tracker and downloader
  • Radarr, ditto for movies
  • Jackett, a torrent indexer for Sonarr and Radarr
  • Wireguard, a Wireguard VPN server
  • Homer, a fancy homepage

Smart home stuff:

  • Home Assistant, an open source home automation platform
  • deCONZ, an interface for Conbee (Zigbee gateway)


Create a folder for your configuration files:

mkdir -p /opt/docker/compose

Clone this repository:

cd /opt/docker/compose
git clone

Rename and edit the .env_template file

mv services/.env_template services/.env
cd smarthome
ln -s ../services/.env .env
vim services/.env

Start the containers

cd services && docker-compose up -d
cd smarthome && docker-compose up -d


docker-compose files for my home server