nots1dd / HyperChat-OS

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A Global Chatting platform created with React JS and Firebase


  • React JS
  • Firebase
  • Node JS
  • HTML and CSS


  1. Easy login system through Firebase
  2. Firebase as BaaS manages backend with well maintained DB
  3. Real-time response to any changes

Preview of HyperChat -

image image image

Setting up Firebase:

  1. Go to to get started
  2. Click on Add project and fill the necessary details.
  3. Once you are in the app console, click on the Build subsection in the sidebar.
  4. image
  5. In Build, enable authentication, firestore (database) and storage
  6. Finally, click on the settings icon in the sidebar and click project settings. Upon scrolling down, you will find a Firebase config ready to be copied and pasted into the code. image

Doing the above steps will enable Firebase as a BaaS.



Language:JavaScript 62.0%Language:CSS 28.2%Language:HTML 9.8%