notpeter / playdate-lua

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A generic 32bit Lua distribution designed to be very similar to Lua on the Panic Playdate video game console device and simulator.


This is an work-in-progres, unofficial distribution and is unaffiliated with Panic Inc or PUC-Lua. Please don't ask them for help.


Playdate Lua is basically vanilla PUC Lua 5.4.0 with a few changes:

  1. C Type for a Lua number is normally double but here it's float (32bit instead of 64bit)
  2. C Type for a Lua integer is normally int64_t but here it's int32_t (32bit instead of 64bit)
  3. The Lua runtime adds backward compatibility for an alternate, earlier set of magic bytes in the lua bytecode header. See MagicBytes
  4. Lua Opcodes are slightly different. It's basically the Lua 5.4.0-beta opcodes with the new opcodes from Lua 5.4.0 appended to the end.
  5. Support for additional assignment operators: +=, -=, *=, /=, //=, %=, <<=, >>=, &=, |=, ^=.

TODO: Apply this patch

Note: playdate-lua does not currently duplicate the following behaviors:

  1. Separate stripped down Lua runtime for device/simulator which cannot parse or compile lua source code and can only operate with pre-compiled lua bytecode (*.luac) generated by luac (Lua Compiler) or the pdc (Playdate Compiler).

  2. The stripped down Lua runtime does not include some standard library functions:

    • require (see import below)
    • load (no parser/compiler at runtime)
    • debug.upvaluejoin, debug.setupvalue, debug.setcstacklimit, debug.getuservalue, debug.sethook, debug.setmetatable, debug.getlocal, debug.gethook, debug.debug, debug.setuservalue, debug.setlocal, debug.getmetatable, debug.upvalueid, debug.traceback, debug.getupvalue, debug.getregistry
    • while debug.getinfo and debug.gettraceback are available
  3. New functions added to the standard libary:

    • table additions: table.indexOfElement, table.getsize, table.create, table.shallowcopy, table.deepcopy
  4. import function replacing require. At compile-time pdc compiles all imported lua together as a single pdz (gzip compressed blob of lauc byte code). The import function is unused at runtime.

  5. Maybe other stuff?

How to use it?

git clone
cd plakydate-lua
cd build
cmake ..



Lua No Parser

noparser.c - "used to make a Lua core that does not contain the parsing modules (lcode, llex, lparser), which represent 20% of the total core. You'll only be able to load binary files and strings, precompiled with luac. (Of course, you'll have to build luac with the original parsing modules!)

This makes luaY_parser, luaU_dump, luaU_undump functions NO-OPs.

  • Author:, PUC-Rio
  • License: MIT

Lua Opcode Renumbering

Compound Assignment Operators

pluseqals-5.4.patch - "An update to SvenOlsen's popular compound assignment operator patch, allowing statements like "object.counter += 2". In addition to 5.4 (beta) compatibility, this adds shift and bitwise operators (<<=, >>=, &=, |=, and ^=) to the previously implemented +=, -=, *=, and /=. The ++ increment operator isn't included because it suggests a matching --, which is already used for comments. (And "+= 1" is only two more characters.) Also, compound assignment on tuples isn't supported, because (IMO) it makes it too easy to write really confusing Lua code, with little gain."

Magic Bytes

Add backwards compatibility to handle compiled with earlier PlaydateSDK versions which generated alternate magic bytes in their Lua byte code headers.

Bytes Description
0x 1B 4C 75 61 54 00 19 93 0D 0A 1A 0A 04 04 04 78 56 00 00 00 40 B9 43 32bit PUC Lua 5.4.0
0x 1B 4C 75 61 03 F8 00 19 93 0D 0A 1A 0A 04 04 04 78 56 00 00 00 40 B9 43 32bit PUC Lua 5.4.0-beta


@jaames and @Scratchminer deserve most of the credit for this work.

This repo is largely equivalent to scratchminer/lua but is maintained as a set of patches to be applied to upstream v5.4.0 rather than as git commits forking from [upstream v5.4.0

While jaames/playdate-reverse-engineering/ includes all sorts of internal playdate details including formats/luac documentation.


The code in this repo is offered under terms of the MIT license.

3rd party components:

Component License Copyright
playdate-lua MIT Copyright (c) Peter Tripp
lua-5.4.0.tar.gz MIT Copyright (c), PUC-Rio
noparser.c MIT Copyright (c), PUC-Rio
pluseqals-5.4.patch Unknown Copyright (c) Sven Olsen and Dave Hayden
playdate-reverse-engineering CC0 Copyright (c) James Daniel



Language:C 97.1%Language:CMake 2.9%