notnuff / nuff-mdverter

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This is markdown files converter


This application will be able to convert markdown files to html. This converter will give powerful and simple to use command-line interface for users, and it will be easy to integrate it with other Unix applications like xargs. This project will be useful for web-and-not-only-developers, as it will be able to parse .md to .html

Parsing table:

**bold text**          | <b>bold text</b>
__italic text__        | <i>italic text</i>
`monospaced`           | <tt>bold text</tt>
```preformated text``` | <pre>bold text</pre>

Paragraph 1.           | <p>Paragraph 1.</p>
                       | <p>Paragraph 2.</p>
Paragraph 2.           | 


  • correct parsing from markdown to html
  • fast conversion
  • simple CLI usage
  • integration ability
  • ability to painlessly extend behaviour of parser (for example, markdown to terminal conversion)


  • reverse parsing (for now, at least)
  • no nested tags processing (for example, **__safd__** will throw an error)
  • processing of files, that possibly could overload RAM of device (files that take > 4gb memory)


To be able to extend the project, it will need separate design:

  • commands processor for CLI
    • responsive for processing --out flag
  • small parsers for each type of tag, so it is easy to add or replace one
  • line parser, that checks and parses line
  • paragraphs parser, that checks text on paragraphs
  • file iterator, that reads it line by line and passes to line-parser or paragraphs parser
  • OS interface, for reading and writing files from/to disk
    • writes to a file if --out /path/to/html.html were provided (or to ./out.html if no path were provided)
    • writes to stdout if no --out were passed to CLI
    • writes to stderr if error occurred


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Language:C++ 93.0%Language:CMake 4.2%Language:C 2.9%