notchris / webgl2native

πŸ”₯ Render a WEBGL context natively without a browser πŸ”₯

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

WEBGL (HEADLESS) -> QT Canvas (NATIVE) by notchris


  • Note: npm i can take like 5 minutes to resolve because headless-gl needs to be rebuilt for node v16 and qt-core then has to be recompiled and it doesn't print a status message and it's pretty annoying.


npm run start

  • AND BAM -> A native webgl render via headless GL.


Because a lot of libraries only have a drawing context as a dependency. If you shim out calls to document and window then you don't need a browser at all!

  • Is it faster than Electron?
  • Yes, but it would be way faster if I port QT's GL content and pass the pixel dats as a buffer instead of copying the pixels to a QPainter.


πŸ”₯ Render a WEBGL context natively without a browser πŸ”₯


Language:JavaScript 50.4%Language:TypeScript 49.6%