notMONGCHAW / batch-encoder

Batch Encoder

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Video Batch Encoder Script

...with interactive prompts for the non-cli savvy (or if you don't feel like writing them)


  • A working Bash v4+ interpreter with usual coreutils some other misc utils.
  • FFmpeg/FFprobe
  • Either a *nix environment
    • Or WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) with ffmpeg.exe and ffprobe.exe in your PATH

Screenshot at work


Display this by running --help

    encoder [sub | dub] [-r RES] [-a] [-s SOURCE] [-d DEST] [-R]
            [--burn-subs] [--watermark FILE] [--clean] [--force]
    encoder -h | --help

    Encode all MKV and AVI videos in the current
    directory (or subdirectories) to MP4 videos.
    Options are either set via optional arguments
    listed below or interactive prompts in the
    absence of such arguments.

    sub dub
        Whether to encode subbed or dubbed.
        Defaults to subbed.

    -r --resolution RES
        RES can be one of 240, 360, 480, 640, 720,
        1080, or original. Original by default.

    -a --auto --no-auto
        Automatically determine appropriate audio
        and video streams. Implies --burn-subs
        in the absence of --no-burn-subs. Prompts
        by default.

    --burn-subs --no-burn-subs
        Burn subtitles. Prompts by default.

    --watermark FILE --no-watermark
        Use a watermark .ass FILE. Defaults to
        AU watermark if it exists.

    -s --source DIR
        Source directory for encodes. Defaults to
        current directory.

    -d --destination DIR
        Destination directory for all encodes.
        Will create the directory it it doesn't
        already exist. Defaults to source

    -R --recursive
        Whether to recursively search subdirs for
        videos to encode. Won't by default.

        Remove original videos after encoding.

        Overwrite existing videos. Won't by default.

    --debug-run [DURATION]
        Test encoder by only encoding (optional) 
        DURATION in seconds of videos. When 
        DURATION is omitted it defaults to 5

    -h --help
        Show this help.

Known issues

  • sub/dub currently don't do anything, and may be removed in the future.
  • List of issues TODO at the top of the Bash script


Authored by b-fuze (Mike32) with amazing help and testing from awesome AU members.


Batch Encoder


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