norzalizamn / CloudLearning

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Command Description
git status List all new or modified files
git diff Show file differences that haven't been staged
table column
a b


Continuous Delivery

  1. Jenkins - stages, learn groovy
  2. GitLab CI/CD - yaml language, visual
  3. GitHub Actions - yaml, deployed and have visual
  4. AWS CodeBuild
  5. Azure DevOps - by Microsoft - yaml, visual (CI/CD integrated tools)
  6. Argo
  7. Travis CI
  8. circleci

Test for the infrastructure:

  • Code
  • Security
  • Costs Notify (person, team, system...) Approval management Protection against parallel executions (Terraform)

repo: awesome-terraform

Terraform related tools

Terraform code check:

  • Plan | verify | fmt
  • TFLint


  • Terraform refresh
  • Driftctl

Security & PaC:

  • Tfsec
  • Checkov
  • Terrascan
  • OPA


  • Atlantis


  • Infracost

Linkedin Webinar by

Infrastructure as a Code

  • Terraform by HCL
    Support for multi-cloud Azure, AWS and GCP

  • Ansible Definition

  • AWS CloudFormation

  • Azure ARM template Azure Resource Manager template - creating resource, Json format

  • Pulumi
    Write infrastructure code faster Pulumi speeds up your inner dev loop for Infrastructure as Code (IaC) by allowing you to use an IDE giving you statement completion, real-time type checking, and interactive documentation out of the box. In addition you can leverage all of the capabilities of the programming language of your choice so you can reduce the total number of lines of code you’re writing.
