normalHamal / react-fiber-learning

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  1. unstable_createRoot 开启异步模式
  2. unstable_deferredUpdates 设置低优先级,延迟更新
  3. unstable_AsyncMode 异步组件

react 更新日志

Remove unstable_deferredUpdates in favor of unstable_scheduleWork from schedule (@gaearon in #13488)

Replace React.unstable_AsyncComponent with React.unstable_AsyncMode.(@acdlite in #12117)

Rename unstable_AsyncMode to unstable_ConcurrentMode. (@trueadm in #13732)


master: preview

unstable_deferredUpdates: preview

unstable_scheduleWork: preview

unstable_AsyncMode: preview

unstable_ConcurrentMode: preview

unstable_createRoot: preview

vue: preview

debug-for-reconciliation: preview

debug-for-interrupt: preview

debug-for-processUpdates: preview

debug-for-scheduleTask: preview


unstable_deferredUpdates vs master

tick() {
+  ReactDOM.unstable_deferredUpdates(() => {
+    this.setState(state => ({ seconds: (state.seconds % 10) + 1 }));
+  });
-  this.setState(state => ({ seconds: (state.seconds % 10) + 1 }));

unstable_scheduleWork vs master

import { unstable_scheduleWork } from 'schedule';

tick() {
+  unstable_scheduleWork(() => {
+    this.setState(state => ({ seconds: (state.seconds % 10) + 1 }));
+  });
-  this.setState(state => ({ seconds: (state.seconds % 10) + 1 }));

unstable_AsyncMode vs master

+  <React.unstable_AsyncMode><ExampleApplication /></React.unstable_AsyncMode>,
-  <ExampleApplication />,

unstable_ConcurrentMode vs master

+  <React.unstable_ConcurrentMode><ExampleApplication /></React.unstable_ConcurrentMode>,
-  <ExampleApplication />,

unstable_createRoot vs master

+ const root = ReactDOM.unstable_createRoot(document.getElementById('root'));

+ root.render(<ExampleApplication />);

- ReactDOM.render(
-  <ExampleApplication />,
-  document.getElementById('root')
- );

vue vs master


debug-for-reconciliation vs master


debug-for-interrupt vs master


debug-for-processUpdates vs master


// Updates are not sorted by priority, but by insertion; new updates are always
// appended to the end of the list.
// The priority is still important, though. When processing the update queue
// during the render phase, only the updates with sufficient priority are
// included in the result. If we skip an update because it has insufficient
// priority, it remains in the queue to be processed later, during a lower
// priority render. Crucially, all updates subsequent to a skipped update also
// remain in the queue *regardless of their priority*. That means high priority
// updates are sometimes processed twice, at two separate priorities. We also
// keep track of a base state, that represents the state before the first
// update in the queue is applied.
// For example:
//   Given a base state of '', and the following queue of updates
//     A1 - B2 - C1 - D2
//   where the number indicates the priority, and the update is applied to the
//   previous state by appending a letter, React will process these updates as
//   two separate renders, one per distinct priority level:
//   First render, at priority 1:
//     Base state: ''
//     Updates: [A1, C1]
//     Result state: 'AC'
//   Second render, at priority 2:
//     Base state: 'A'            <-  The base state does not include C1,
//                                    because B2 was skipped.
//     Updates: [B2, C1, D2]      <-  C1 was rebased on top of B2
//     Result state: 'ABCD'
// Because we process updates in insertion order, and rebase high priority
// updates when preceding updates are skipped, the final result is deterministic
// regardless of priority. Intermediate state may vary according to system
// resources, but the final state is always the same.

debug-for-scheduleTask vs master




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