nordri / kubernetes-pod-chaos-monkey

Randomly delete pods in a given namespace

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Kubernetes Pod Chaos Monkey

This repository contains a Dockerfile and associated Kubernetes configuration for a Deployment that will randomly delete pods in a given namespace. This is implemented in Bash mostly because I'm writing it for a lightning talk.

An image built from the Dockerfile in this repository is available on Docker Hub as jnewland/kubernetes-pod-chaos-monkey.


A few environment variables are available for configuration:

  • DELAY: seconds between selecting and deleting a pod. Defaults to 30.
  • NAMESPACE: the namespace to select a pod from. Defaults to default.

Example Kubernetes config is included at config/kubernetes/production/deployment.yaml


$ kubectl apply -f config/kubernetes/production/deployment.yaml
deployment "kubernetes-pod-chaos-monkey" created
$ kubectl get pods | grep chaos
kubernetes-pod-chaos-monkey-3294408070-6w6oh   1/1       Running       0          19s
$ kubectl logs kubernetes-pod-chaos-monkey-3294408070-6w6oh
+ : 30
+ : default
+ true
+ xargs -t --no-run-if-empty kubectl --namespace default delete pod
+ head -n 1
+ shuf
+ tr ' ' '\n'
+ kubectl --namespace default -o 'jsonpath={.items[*]}' get pods
kubectl --namespace default delete pod dd-agent-3hw6w
pod "dd-agent-3hw6w" deleted
+ sleep 30

Advance usage

The deployment can be configured to select specific pods using labels. The chaos script support both ways to refer this labels. To know more about this labels, please refer to labels doc.

In order to use this feature set up in the manifest this environment variables:

  • SELECTOR_MODE: choose between equality-based or set-based.
  • SELECTOR: write the label selector here.

Those variables are completely optional and can be left without a value.

Some examples:

  • with equality-based
  value: equality-based  
- name: SELECTOR
  value: environment=production,tier=frontend
  • with set-based
  value: set-based  
- name: SELECTOR
  value: environment in (production),tier in (frontend)

With this changes, you'll see the following output

+ : 30
+ : default
+ true
+ kubectl --namespace default -o 'jsonpath={.items[*]}' get pods --selector environment=production,tier=frontend
+ shuf
+ head -n 1
+ tr ' ' '\n'
+ xargs -t --no-run-if-empty kubectl --namespace default delete pod
kubectl --namespace default delete pod hello-world 
pod "hello-world" deleted

With set-based

+ : 30
+ : default
+ true
+ kubectl --namespace default -o 'jsonpath={.items[*]}' get pods --selector 'environment in (production),tier in (frontend)'
+ shuf
+ tr ' ' '\n'
+ xargs -t --no-run-if-empty kubectl --namespace default delete pod
+ head -n 1
kubectl --namespace default delete pod hello-world 
pod "hello-world" deleted




Randomly delete pods in a given namespace

License:MIT License


Language:Shell 71.4%Language:Dockerfile 28.6%