nordcloud / azure-pipelines-templates

Templates to be reused in our Azure Pipelines projects

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Hi, đź‘‹. This repository holds azure pipeline templates that can be reused in your projects.

How to use the templates ?

Documentation can be found in Microsoft pages:

Nordcloud's recommendations:

  • keep the main pipeline file in azure-pipelines.yml in the root of the repository if you have one pipeline only
  • if you go multi pipeline, keep your pipeline ymls in .azure-pipelines
  • for templates create: .azure-pipelines/templates directory and keep the templates there


  • step-assume-role-arn.yml - sets credentials of the assumed role
  • step-setup-go-cache.yml - sets golang and go mod caching of the $GOPATH/mod/pkg directory
  • step-install-ssh-key - installs SSH key and adds github and bithucket to known hosts. PUBLIC_KEY and secure file with PRIVATE key is required.
  • step-backup-dynamodb - backups dynamoDB tables with the given prefix.
  • step-set-tag-output - git tag helper validation.
  • step-trigger-amplify-console-build - triggers Amplify pipeline build so that you have visbility in your Azure pipelines
  • job-trigger-pipeline-multiple-times - A pipeline that triggers a secondary pipeline an x amount of times. Used in a project previously to trigger a Virtual Machine creation pipeline with identical parameters.

Usage example

If you copy a template to your repo:

      - template: templates/step-cache-go-mod.yml
          path:  $(GOPATH)/pkg/mod

Or if you want to reference it direcly from this repository, first define it in the resources section.

    - repository: 'nordcloud-templates'
      type: 'github'
      name: 'nordcloud/azure-pipelines-templates'
      endpoint: 'nordcloud'

and then you can refer it with a repository name:

      - template: 'step-set-tag-output.yml@nordcloud-templates'

Check the docs for more.


Adding new template should be done by a PR to this repository. File naming convention is {type}-yourname.yml, where {type} should be either: step, job or stage depending on the type of template.

Inside the template file add a comment manifest, example:

# Version: 0.1
# Maintainer: Dariusz Dwornikowski
# Parameters:
# version: version of the tool (string)

You can also add any comment that explains how template parameters are to used.




Nordcloud, and IBM company


Templates to be reused in our Azure Pipelines projects