norcalli / ogc

Offline Google Calculator. My continued attempt at making a calculator as amazing as Google's, and possibly even better.

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Offline Google Calculator. My continued attempt at making a calculator as amazing as Google's, and possibly even better.


  • Complex numbers
  • Units!
  • Unit conversion (x to y)
  • Implicit multiplication, e.g. 2(4) = 2 * 4 = 8 (yes I took care of the case where you use 1e and it interprets it as 1 * e not 1e0)
  • Custom function addition (but only by changing the source file for now and compiling).
  • Custom symbol (constant) definition in a symbol.txt file.
  • Compilation of that text file into a binary format automatically.

###Possible features

  • Money conversion
  • Dynamic function definition in symbols.txt
  • Plotting! Output as SVG specifically.
  • Having it cook me pancakes.



  • boost for strings and filesystem, will probably update later to not require this.
  • c++11 because it is convenient and nice.


I use OS X mainly, but the command should be similar for any system, just replace filesystem and boost_system with the appropriate flags, as Macports automatically separates them into separate multithreaded dylibs.

g++ -o godzilla -std=c++11 -I /opt/local/include/ -L/opt/local/lib/ -lboost_filesystem-mt -lboost_system-mt

###Compilation options: You can compile it for expression tree creation by defining the EXPRESSION flag at the top of the file.

There is some EXPERIMENTAL flag that I have completely forgotten about. TODO: Figure that out.


Execution without arguments prints usage ("Usage: ./godzilla ")

##Symbols.txt Look at my symbols.txt that I have defined already for an example of how to define custom expressions, but it's really simple:

N=kg m /s^2
kg=1e3 g

##Examples ./godzilla "1+2((3 m)/ (2 cm)) + e^1.24"

Output: 1 + 2 * ((3 * m) / (2 * cm)) + e ^ 1.24 = 304.45561346476

./godzilla "4 cm to m"


4 * cm = 0.04 [[ meter ]]m = 1 [[ meter ]]
Result: 0.04 [[ meter ]]

Whoops, look like I left some debug output on...

#Notes So far, this calculator works, but I'm always looking for test cases where the output doesn't work as intended (googling the expression to confirm).

Don't hesitate to recommend features.


Offline Google Calculator. My continued attempt at making a calculator as amazing as Google's, and possibly even better.


Language:C++ 72.5%Language:C 27.5%