norbusan / wp-katex

Integrates the fast KaTeX LaTeX typesetter with WordPress

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=== WP-KaTeX ===
Contributors: ascom
Tags: katex, latex, mathjax, math, equation, equations
Requires at least: 3.9
Tested up to: 4.2
Stable tag:
License: GPL2
License URI:

Integrates the super-fast KaTeX LaTeX equation typesetting engine with WordPress. Create beautiful, yet performant math in your posts and pages.

== Description ==
The KaTeX WordPress plugin integrates the super-fast [KaTeX math typesetting engine]( with your WordPress website. The plugin allows you to put LaTeX in a `[latex]...[/latex]` shortcode, and beautiful math appears on your post or page. 

The plugin also has an option to use the excellent [jsDelivr CDN]( to load the KaTeX scripts, further increasing the performance of the plugin.

Equations in `[latex display="true"]...[/latex]` will be rendered in display mode (rather than inline mode) and centered on its own line.

[Plugin Website](

== Installation ==
1. Upload the `katex` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
1. Use the `[latex]` shortcode in your posts and pages

== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= Wait - I use MathJax and it's fine! =

KaTeX is fast. It's really fast, compared to MathJax. In fact, it's a staggering 35 times faster than MathJax. Your page will load much faster with KaTeX, especially if it's heavy with equations.

= How about Jetpack...? =

Jetpack has a LaTeX plugin that uses the service to render the equations. However, it uses images, which look ugly when zoomed in, or on high-DPI ("retina") displays. Also, it depends on's servers, and a lot of equations can make the page slow (too many requests).

== Screenshots ==

1. Various equations rendered with WP-KaTeX

== Changelog ==
= =
* New: render equations in display mode with `[latex display="true"]...[/latex]`
* Update KaTeX library to 0.3.0
    * Added accessibility through the use of MathML
    * Add support for new symbols: `\#`, `\&`, `\aleph`, `\amalg`, `\approxeq`, `\ast`, `\asymp`, `\backepsilon`, `\backprime`, `\backsim`, `\backsimeq`, `\Bbbk`, `\because`, `\beth`, `\between`, `\bigcirc`, `\bigstar`, `\blacklozenge`, `\blacksquare`, `\blacktriangle`, `\blacktriangledown`, `\blacktriangleleft`, `\blacktriangleright`, `\bowtie`, `\Box`, `\boxminus`, `\boxplus`, `\boxtimes`, `\bullet`, `\bumpeq`, `\Bumpeq`, `\Cap`, `\cdotp`, `\centerdot`, `\circeq`, `\circlearrowleft`, `\circlearrowright`, `\circledast`, `\circleddash`, `\circledS`, `\clubsuit`, `\complement`, `\Cup`, `\curlyeqprec`, `\curlyeqsucc`, `\curlyvee`, `\curlywedge`, `\curvearrowleft`, `\curvearrowright`, `\dag`, `\daleth`, `\dashleftarrow`, `\dashrightarrow`, `\dashv`, `\ddag`, `\ddagger`, `\diagdown`, `\diagup`, `\Diamond`, `\diamondsuit`, `\digamma`, `\divideontimes`, `\doteq`, `\Doteq`, `\doteqdot`, `\dotplus`, `\doublebarwedge`, `\doublecap`, `\doublecup`, `\downdownarrows`, `\downharpoonleft`, `\downharpoonright`, `\ell`, `\eqcirc`, `\eqsim`, `\eqslantgtr`, `\eqslantless`, `\equiv`, `\eth`, `\exists`, `\fallingdotseq`, `\Finv`, `\flat`, `\forall`, `\frown`, `\Game`, `\geqq`, `\geqslant`, `\gg`, `\ggg`, `\gggtr`, `\gimel`, `\gnapprox`, `\gneq`, `\gneqq`, `\gnsim`, `\gtrapprox`, `\gtrdot`, `\gtreqless`, `\gtreqqless`, `\gtrless`, `\gtrsim`, `\gvertneqq`, `\hbar`, `\heartsuit`, `\hookleftarrow`, `\hookrightarrow`, `\hslash`, `\Im`, `\intercal`, `\Join`, `\ldotp`, `\leadsto`, `\Leftarrow`, `\leftarrowtail`, `\leftharpoondown`, `\leftharpoonup`, `\leftleftarrows`, `\leftrightarrow`, `\Leftrightarrow`, `\leftrightarrows`, `\leftrightharpoons`, `\leftrightsquigarrow`, `\leftthreetimes`, `\leqq`, `\leqslant`, `\lessapprox`, `\lessdot`, `\lesseqgtr`, `\lesseqqgtr`, `\lessgtr`, `\lesssim`, `\lgroup`, `\lhd`, `\ll`, `\llcorner`, `\Lleftarrow`, `\lll`, `\llless`, `\lmoustache`, `\lnapprox`, `\lneq`, `\lneqq`, `\lnsim`, `\longleftarrow`, `\Longleftarrow`, `\longleftrightarrow`, `\Longleftrightarrow`, `\longmapsto`, `\longrightarrow`, `\Longrightarrow`, `\looparrowleft`, `\looparrowright`, `\lozenge`, `\lrcorner`, `\Lsh`, `\ltimes`, `\lvertneqq`, `\mapsto`, `\measuredangle`, `\mho`, `\mid`, `\mp`, `\multimap`, `\nabla`, `\natural`, `\ncong`, `\nearrow`, `\nexists`, `\ngeqq`, `\ngeqslant`, `\ngtr`, `\ni`, `\nleftarrow`, `\nLeftarrow`, `\nleftrightarrow`, `\nLeftrightarrow`, `\nleqq`, `\nleqslant`, `\nless`, `\nmid`, `\nparallel`, `\nprec`, `\npreceq`, `\nrightarrow`, `\nRightarrow`, `\nshortmid`, `\nshortparallel`, `\nsim`, `\nsubseteqq`, `\nsucc`, `\nsucceq`, `\nsupseteqq`, `\ntriangleleft`, `\ntrianglelefteq`, `\ntriangleright`, `\ntrianglerighteq`, `\nvdash`, `\nvDash`, `\nVdash`, `\nVDash`, `\nwarrow`, `\ominus`, `\owns`, `\parallel`, `\perp`, `\phantom`, `\pitchfork`, `\prec`, `\precapprox`, `\preccurlyeq`, `\preceq`, `\precnapprox`, `\precneqq`, `\precnsim`, `\precsim`, `\propto`, `\Re`, `\restriction`, `\rgroup`, `\rhd`, `\Rightarrow`, `\rightarrowtail`, `\rightharpoondown`, `\rightharpoonup`, `\rightleftarrows`, `\rightleftharpoons`, `\rightrightarrows`, `\rightsquigarrow`, `\rightthreetimes`, `\risingdotseq`, `\rmoustache`, `\Rrightarrow`, `\Rsh`, `\rtimes`, `\searrow`, `\sharp`, `\shortmid`, `\shortparallel`, `\sim`, `\simeq`, `\smallfrown`, `\smallsetminus`, `\smallsmile`, `\smile`, `\spadesuit`, `\sphericalangle`, `\sqcap`, `\sqcup`, `\sqsubset`, `\sqsubseteq`, `\sqsupset`, `\sqsupseteq`, `\square`, `\Subset`, `\subseteqq`, `\subsetneq`, `\subsetneqq`, `\succ`, `\succapprox`, `\succcurlyeq`, `\succeq`, `\succnapprox`, `\succneqq`, `\succnsim`, `\succsim`, `\Supset`, `\supseteqq`, `\supsetneq`, `\supsetneqq`, `\swarrow`, `\therefore`, `\thickapprox`, `\thicksim`, `\triangledown`, `\trianglelefteq`, `\triangleq`, `\trianglerighteq`, `\twoheadleftarrow`, `\twoheadrightarrow`, `\ulcorner`, `\unlhd`, `\unrhd`, `\upharpoonleft`, `\upharpoonright`, `\uplus`, `\upuparrows`, `\urcorner`, `\varkappa`, `\varpropto`, `\varsubsetneq`, `\varsubsetneqq`, `\varsupsetneq`, `\varsupsetneqq`, `\vartriangle`, `\vartriangleleft`, `\vartriangleright`, `\vdash`, `\vDash`, `\Vdash`, `\Vvdash`, `\wp`, `\wr`, `\yen`

= 1.1.1 = 
* Fix bug with script enqueueing

= 1.1.0 =
* Update the KaTeX library to version 0.1.1

= 1.0.1 =
* Fix `\displaystyle` equations not being put on a new line

= 1.0 =
* Initial release

== Upgrade Notice ==

= =
Add support for a lot of LaTeX symbols


Integrates the fast KaTeX LaTeX typesetter with WordPress

License:GNU General Public License v2.0


Language:PHP 100.0%