norato / omdb-search

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a simple project using the omdb api to search for a particular movie by title. As simple as is, I decided to add a more complex structure as a monorepo using NX to manage it.

The project consists of type a movie title in an input, making a request for the ombdb API, and showing some information, when you pressing the Search button. And also clear the movie information when press the Clear button.

Install and Run

This project is using node 18.16.1, and I strongly suggest using a node version manager like nvm. Using the correct version of node, run the install command:

npm install

The command to run the application is in the scripts section as a shortcut.

npm start

or the full command using nx cli

npx nx run omdb-search:serve


I decided to use a monorepo structure to make the code more isolated and provide flexibility.

graph of the structure

As can be seen in the graph above, I decided to split the main app into different libraries.

  • shared, could contain different Services, Pipes, and Directives for all other libs and apps;
  • common-ui, which contains the basic and common ui components for all libs and apps;
  • movie-data-access-movie, has the responsibility of the NgRx store manipulation;
  • movie-feature-search-movie, contains the search page using the features needed to make the movie search;


For my current projects, I always use NX and the latest version of Angular, with the latest features. So in this project, I am using:

  • @angular/core: 16.1.0, the framework;
  • @ngrx/store: 16.0.0, the store manager;
  • @fortawesome/angular-fontawesom: 0.13.0, for icons;
  • bootstrap: 5.3.0, the UI framework;

In the dev dependencies side:

  • @nx/workspace: 16.5.3, to manage the monorepo;
  • @storybook/angular: 7.1.0, a tool to render, develop and document the reusable components;
  • jest: 29.4.1, the test runner;
  • @ngneat/spectator, 15.0.1, the test syntax sugar lib;


The common-ui and movie-feature-search-movie has the storybook config to display the stories for its components. To run the storybook command, replacing the lib name:

npx nx run [lib]:storybook

Technical highlights

  • Angular module-less, using standalone components;
  • Structural directive;
  • Modern monorepo archtecture;


  • Finish the tests;
  • Improve the layout and experience;
  • Add another page or a switch for search by Id or display the full movie plot;
  • Add one more integration to get other text reviews;



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