noobiexco / OSCP-Prep


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Start Date: 17/07/2017

Github to store notes and code for OSCP.

No spoilers.


  • Work though textbook and pull useful commands {current = page 50}

  • Watch videos {current = vid 68}

  • Clean up git, box code

  • Create an xss/other injection list

  • Create Resources: web shells, image uploads, other test files, scripts

  • Work though pentesterlabs

    • Download all ISO's/Course guides
    • Yellow Badge
    • CTF Badge
    • Other
  • Create CTF challenges {due date 1st Aug}

    • create page detailing challenge ideas
    • reserved space
  • Create guides for picoctf 2017

    • Text guides
    • Github Writeups
    • Videos
    • Upload to CTF Time
  • CSAW CTF 2017 {September 16/17th}

  • Webgoat guide

  • Vulnhub vm's:

  • Kioptix level 1

  • Kioptix level 2

  • Kioptix2014

  • KioptixVM3

  • pWnOS v2.0

  • SickOS 1

  • SickOS 1.2

  • Stapler

  • Tr0ll

  • Tr0ll2

  • Vulnix

  • VulnOSv2

  • FristiLeaks 1.3

  • LordOfTheRoot 1.0.1

  • mrRobot

  • pwnlab_init
