noob-af-bd / Lib-Drive-BOT_HEROKU

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Libdrive Manager Bot

Deploy on Heroku

Use The Deploy to Heroku Button given at the TOP !!

Enter the Relevant Configurations and Deploy !!

Run Locally

Installing Requirements..

pip install -r requirements.txt

Then Edit with variables listed below !

And then run the bot by


Deploy with Docker

Edit with variables listed below !

Build Docker Image..

docker build . -t libdrivebot

Run Docker Container..

docker run --name libdrivebot libdrivebot



    • Values :- Valid BOT TOKEN Obtained from Botfather.
    • Use :- To connect to Telegram as BOT.

    • Values :- Domain of LibDrive Server.
    • Example Value :- <appname>
      • Enter The Domain without the Protocols https:// or http://
      • Don't enter a / in the end of The Domain.
    • Use :- To connect to Libdrive.

    • Values :- Secret of LibDrive Server Settings - The Secret Key set in LibDrive Config.
    • Use :- To connect to Libdrive.
  • PIC

    • Values :- The Picture You want to appear when start command is used.
    • Example Value :-
    • Use :- Send Photo with /start command.

    • Values :- It is a list of IDs of all the allowed users who can use this bot in private. (Get it from Miss Rose Bot)
      • To supply multiple IDs in seperate by spaces.
      • To supply multiple IDs from Environemnt variable (Heroku & Docker) seperate by spaces.
    • Example Value :- Numerical Value
    • Use :- Users with ids here can use the bot.

    • Values :- It is a list of IDs of all the allowed groups whose users can use this bot.
      • To supply multiple IDs in seperate by spaces.
      • To supply multiple IDs from Environemnt variable (Heroku & Docker) seperate by spaces.
      • Group IDs should start with -100
    • Default Value :- -100XXXXXXXXX
    • Use :- Groups with ids here can use the bot.

    • Values :- The Name of Your LibDrive Heroku App.
    • Use :- To Use /hrestart and /hdyno command.

    • Values :- The API KEY of Your LibDrive Heroku Account.
    • Use :- To Use /hrestart and /hdyno command.

    • Values :- The Username of Your Bot without @.
    • Use :- To Use the Bot in Groups.

    • Values :- The Commands Usable in Groups where Your Bot is Added.
    • Example Value :- search find m3u8
      • Seperate Commands with Spaces.
    • Use :- To Use the Bot in Groups.

Bot Commands

/start - Welcome Message !!

/help - Get Instructions on How to Use to bot !!

BotFather SetCommands

start - To Start The Bot.
help - To Get Help about Using the Bot.
grouphelp - To Get Commands Available when Added in Group.
restart - To Restart LibdDrive Server.
rebuild - To Rebuild the Metadata of your Libdrive.
fixconfig - To Fix LibDrive Config.
assignid - To assign bot_id.
unassignid - To remove bot_id.
accounts - To View Registered Accounts of your Libdrive.
accountsclip - To View Your Accounts in an Online Paste.
addaccount - To Add an Account to Libdrive.
rmaccount - To Remove an Account from Libdrive.
rmaccid - To Remove an Account using bot_id
categories - To View the Categories of your Libdrive.
addcategory - To Add a Category to Libdrive.
rmcategory - To Remove a Category from Libdrive.
setanilist - To Set/Change Anilist of Category.
config - To View The Configs of your Libdrive.
settings - To View the Settings of your Libdrive.
set - To change The Settings of your Libdrive.
ui - To View the UI Configuration of your Libdrive.
setui - To change The UI Settings of your Libdrive.
hrestart - Restart Heroku Dynos.(Heroku Only)
hdyno - Get Heroku Dyno Stats.(Heroku Only)
search - To Search Your LibDrive (Direct Download Links).
find - To Search Your LibDrive (View Online Links).
m3u8 - To get m3u8 Playlists. (Incomplete)
speedtest - To Perform a Speedtest on the Server. (Completely Irrelevant 😂)




Language:Dockerfile 62.1%Language:Shell 37.9%