nofeaturesonlybugs / stomp

Go STOMP peer and broker

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Go Reference Go Report Card Build Status codecov License: MIT

stomp is a partial implementation of a STOMP client and broker.

It is unlikely this project will ever be fully completed.


There is no actual Client struct in this package; code exists but it is incomplete and commented out. The following sections describe how a stomp.Peer can be used as a low-level client, meaning it has no inbuilt features for acknowledgement, heartbeats, protocol negotiation, etc. Despite the lack of features the stomp.Peer is fairly well tested and seemingly reliable.


func Connect() (stomp.Peer, error) {
	var peer stomp.Peer
	conn, err := tls.Dial("tcp", Address, TLSConf) // Address, TLSConf are just placeholders
	if err != nil {
		return peer, error
	peer.R, peer.W = conn, conn
	peer.Start(nil) // TODO Can pass a waitgroup here.
	peer.Send <- frames.Connect("user123", "s3cr3t")
	select {
	case f := <-peer.Receive:
		if f.Command != stomp.CommandConnected {
			return peer, fmt.Errorf("main: stomp-conf-connect: expected %v but got %v", stomp.CommandConnected, f.Command)
		return peer, nil
	case err = <-peer.Error:
		return peer, err


	var peer stomp.Peer
	topics := []string{
	for _, t := range topics {
		peer.Send <- frames.Subscribe(t, "auto", "") // Auto for ack: auto

Send Messages

	f := frames.Send("/topic/foo", []byte("Hello"))
	f.Headers[stomp.HeaderReplyTo] = "/temp-queue/"
	peer.Send <- f

	f := frames.SendString("/topic/foo", "Goodbye")
	f.Headers[stomp.HeaderReplyTo] = "/temp-queue/"
	peer.Send <- f

Receive Messages

	// This message loop ends on the first error or when a channel is closed.
	var peer stomp.Peer
	for {
		select {
		case f, open := <-peer.Receive:
			if !open {
				break MessageLoop
			fmt.Printf("frame: %v", f)
		case err, open := <-peer.Error:
			if !open {
				break MessageLoop
			fmt.Printf("error: %v", err)

Alternate message loop:

	// This message loop stays open until both channels are closed.  This may
	// be ideal if the error comes through while messages are still pending
	// on the Receive channel.
	var peer stomp.Peer
	receiveC, errorC := peer.Receive, peer.Error
	for receiveC != nil || errorC != nil {
		select {
		case f, open := <-receiveC:
			if !open {
				receiveC = nil
			fmt.Printf("frame: %v", f)
		case err, open := <-errorC:
			if !open {
				errorC = nil
			fmt.Printf("error: %v", err)


The server package has a partially complete broker implementation.

Starting a broker

	srv := server.Server{
		// Bind address.
		Addr: "",

		// Optional event channel.  If set then it must be consumed.
		// Events:    make(chan<- interface{}),

		// Optional TLS configuration.  If set then a TLS listener is created.
		// TLSConfig: &tls.Config{},

		// Optional logger.
		// Logger:    nil,

		// Optional session ID generator.
		// NewSessionID: func() string { ... },
	err := srv.ListenAndServe() // ListenAndServe is non-blocking
	if err != nil {
	defer srv.Shutdown()

	// TODO Wait on SigC or other quit mechanism

The server does not fully implement the STOMP protocol.

What works:

  • ✓ Server start and stop with ordered shutdown
  • ✓ Subscribe and unsubscribe

All destinations are treated as pubsub.

Missing STOMP features:

  • ⭴ Version negotiation
  • ⭴ Heartbeats
  • ⭴ ACK, NACK

Some message headers are not fully implemented. For example SUBSCRIBE can include an id header (supported) which should be sent as subscription header in MESSAGE frame (not supported).

Additionally high level broker features are missing:

  • ⭴ Authentication and/or RBAC
  • ⭴ Message expiration
  • ⭴ Client reconnect and resume
  • ⭴ Round-robin destinations (i.e. QUEUES in ActiveMQ)


Go STOMP peer and broker

License:MIT License


Language:Go 100.0%