node-migrator-bot / static

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Generate static sites with Markdown, Handlebars and Stylus. Live previews with

npm install -g static
static create test

This bootstraps a static project inside of a folder named "test". You can then use the static command to watch this source folder and publish the generated site to an arbitrary number of target folders. Specify a port number to start an express server which will trigger automatic page reloads when files inside the source directory change.

static ./test ./test-generated 8000    

This page is generated with Static, view the source here.

Github Pages

To use static with GitHub Pages create a new static project in a directory named docs inside your repo, and a gh-pages branch in separate directory locally.

# create a docs folder containing a new static project
cd repo
static create docs
git add docs
git commit -m "added docs"
git push origin master
cd ..

# create a gh-pages branch containing the generated site
static ./repo/docs ./repo-gh-pages 8000
cd repo-gh-pages
git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/gh-pages
git remote add origin
git add *
git commit -m "added generated docs"
git push origin gh-pages

View your changes locally on port 8000 and when you're happy with the changes commit and push the gh-pages branches to GitHub.

Project Structure


Put any media files such as images, movies, etc in here. They will be copied to the assets folder in the generated site as is.


Any files in this directory can be included into your pages using the include helper, specifying the file extension is not necessary. If the include is a handlebars file, you can pass arbitrary key, value pairs.

{{include "header" key="value"}}
{{include "footer"}}


Any .html, .md or .handlebars files here will be processed, have their extension changed to .html, and will be copied to the root folder of your generated site, for example: source/pages/index.handlebars -> target/index.html


Javascript files, will be copied to the scripts folder of the generated site as is. You can include all scripts or a single script inside a handlebars template with one of the helpers:

{{script src}}


Stylus or CSS files, will be processed and copied to the styles folder of the generated site. You can include all stylesheets or a single stylesheet inside a handlebars template with one of the helpers. You can pass arbitrary HTML attributes to either helper.

{{style href}}
{{styles media="screen"}}


Any keys specified here will be available inside of your handlebars templates.


Most of the behaviors described so far are all specified in index.js. You can specify additional behaviors or modify the output of your pages with jQuery by modifying this file. index.js must export a single function which will receive a static object.

module.exports = function(static) {
  static.file('index.handlebars', function(file) {
    file.$(function(window) {
      //add extra emphasis to all em tags
      window.$('em').each(function() {
        this.innerHTML += '!';

The rest of the documentation details the API available inside of a index.js.


file static.file(pattern, callback)

Select files in the source project to modify or copy. pattern can be a relative path as a string or a regular expression. Callback will be called for each matching file with the file object as it's only argument. This example from the index.js plugin selects markdown files in any directory:

static.file(/\.(md|markdown)$/, function(file) {

helper static.helper(key, callback)

Register a new handlebars helper. The callback will recieve the current file object, any ordered arguments passed followed by an an options hash (accessed via options.hash) if any attributes were passed to the helper.

static.helper('bold', function(file, content, options) {
  return '<b>' + content + '</b>';

{{bold "Text"}}

path static.path

Path to the source project.

package static.package

Parsed package.json


write file.write(target_path)

Write the file to a given path in the generated site. target_path should be relative and only a directory name. This example from index.js copies all asset files:

static.file(/^assets\//, function(file) {

$ file.$(callback)

Loads jQuery then calls callback with a DOM window object representing the current file and a next function that must be called. The DOM tree will then be serialized back to a string after callback is called. The table of contents for this document is created by scanning all h1, h2 and h3 tags then injecting HTML into the DOM.

static.file('index.handlebars', function(file) {
  file.$(function(window, next) {
    window.$ === window.jQuery;

The callback is called after the file has been processed with Markdown and Handlebars.

set file.set(key, value)

Sets a value to be made available in all handlebar templates rendered by the file (the file itself + includes).

render file.render(filename [,context])

Render a Markdown or Handlebars file, returning the contents as a string. filename is a relative path in the source directory, context is the context that will be available if the file is handlebars template.

var output = file.render('test.handlebars', {key: 'value'});

transform file.transform(callback)

Transform a file, currently availble transforms are handlebars, markdown and stylus.

static.file(/\.styl$/, function(file) {

Arbitrary transforms can be supplied by passing a callback that receives the buffer of the file and a callback to call when the transformation is complete:

static.file(/\.txt$/, function(file) {
  file.transform(function(buffer, next) {

changeExtensionTo file.changeExtensionTo(extension)

Change the extension of the file when it is written to a target. Does not modify the extension of the source file.


live-reload {{live-reload}}

Put this inside of your tag. Generates the JavaScript needed for live reload functionality. The styles, style, scripts and script helpers should all be used when using live-reload instead of plain HTML as it will ensure that the current page reloads when dependent stylesheets or scripts change.

set {{set key="value"}}

Set a value in the current file that will be made available to any other handlebars templates the current file includes.

include {{include filename [key="value"]}}

Include another handlebars, markdown or html file inside of the includes directory. Arbitrary values can be passed to the file if it is a handlebars template.

styles {{styles [key="value"]}}

Generate style tags for all stylesheets inside of the styles folder. Arbitrary HTML attributes can be passed.

style {{style [key="value"]}}

Generate a style tag for a single stylesheet.

scripts {{scripts [key="value"]}}

Generate script tags for all scripts inside of the scripts folder. Arbitrary HTML attributes can be passed.

script {{script [key="value"]}}

Generate a script tag for a single script.

root {{root}}

Path to the root of the site from the current page.

target {{target}}

The current filename that is being written.


Page Templates

The default project assumes each page will include a header and a footer. You could instead insert the content of each page into a template:

static.file(/^pages\//, function(file) {
  file.transform(function(buffer, next) {
    next(file.render('templates/index.handlebars', {
      yield: buffer

Inside of templates/index.handlebars:



License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%