noaione / mpv-js-scripts

Some mpv scripts I created (made in JS)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A collection of JS mpv scripts that can be used.

To download, open the dist folder and just put the .js file into your scripts folder.

You need ImageMagick installed on your system (especially the montage command need to be available)

Create a mosaic of an images like what MPC-HC does.


To run, just press ctrl+alt+s, it will create a $fileName.mosaic$colx$row.png file in either your screenshot folder or the mpv home directory. (~/.mpv or %APPDATA%/mpv)

You can modify the keybind:

ctrl+alt+s script-binding screenshot_mosaic/screenshot

You can also modify the configuration by adding screenshot-mosaic.conf on your script-opts folder:

# Number of rows for screenshot
# Number of columns for screenshot
# Padding between images/screenshots (in pixels)
# Output format (jpg/png)
# Screenshot mode (video/subtitles/window)
# --> video: Screenshot the video only
# --> subtitles: Screenshot the video + subs
# --> window: Screenshot the whole window, including the UI
# Append the "magick" command to the command line.
# Sometimes on windows, you cannot really use any magick command without prefixing
# "magick", if the command failed, you can set this to `yes` to prepend the command with `magick`
# Resize the final montage into the video height.
# ---
# I recommend keeping this enabled since if you have a 4k video, you don't want to
# have a montage that is basically 4k * whatever the number of screenshots you have.
# It would be way too big, so this will resize it back to the video height.
# The quality of the final montage image.

UOSC Support

Screenshot Mosaic - uosc Menu

This script has support for uosc

In your uosc.conf, you can add a controls for screenshot-mosaic by adding the following command:

<video>command:screenshot_monitor:script-binding screenshot_mosaic/screenshot?Screenshot Mosaic

You can add it before the first gap so it shows on the left side.

Another way to execute screnshot-mosaic is to use the menu where you can configure screenshot-mosaic first before executing it.

You can just change the screenshot_mosaic/screenshot in above controls command into screenshot_mosaic/uosc-menu

You can also put it in your input.conf by using the #! shorthand:

#           script-binding screenshot_mosaic/uosc-menu    #! Screenshot Mosaic


Some mpv scripts I created (made in JS)


Language:TypeScript 100.0%