noahsalvi / svelte-windicss-preprocess

A Svelte Preprocessor to compile tailwindcss at build time.

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A svelte preprocessor to compile tailwindcss at build time based on windicss compiler.

v3.0.0 - experimental Parser

first beta of experimental parser is released v3.0.0

Feature compatibility:

  class={isActive ? 'bg-amber-100' : 'bg-gray-100'} // ✅ supported
  hover={isActive ? 'bg-amber-100' : 'bg-gray-100'} // ❌ not supported

<div hover="bg-gray-100 text-white" />// ✅ supported
<div hover="sm:bg-gray-100 disabled:text-gray" /> // ❌ not supported

<div class={darker ? 'bg-amber-200' : 'bg-amber-50' } /> // ✅ supported
<div class=`bg-amber-${shade}` /> // ❌ not supported

<div class="bg-amber-200 h-1.25 mx-auto rounded-lg {width === 'large' ? 'w-40' : ''} {width === 'medium' ? 'w-30' : ''} {width === 'small' ? 'w-20' : ''}" /> // ✅ supported


Now we have a great playground, you can try it online before installing it.

npm install svelte-windicss-preprocess --save-dev



Add svelte-windicss-preprocess to your rollup.config.js.

Typescript is optional. Include sveltePreprocess.typescript() into preprocess if you are using typescript in your Svelte component.

// rollup.config.js
import sveltePreprocess from "svelte-preprocess";
// ...
export default {
  // ...
  plugins: [
      // svelte-windicss-preprocess
      preprocess: [
        sveltePreprocess.typescript(), // to support typescript (optional)
          config: 'tailwind.config.js', // tailwind config file path (optional)
          compile: true, // false: interpretation mode; true: compilation mode
          prefix: 'windi-', // set compilation mode style prefix
          globalPreflight: true, // set preflight style is global or scoped
          globalUtility: true, // set utility style is global or scoped
      // ...
  // ...


Add svelte-windicss-preprocess to your svelte.config.cjs.

For now, sveltekit has an issue of setting the preprocessor. Make sure your snowpack.config.cjs is consistent with our example before setting.

// svelte.config.cjs
module.exports = {
  preprocess: require('svelte-windicss-preprocess').preprocess({
    // uncomment this, if you need a config file
    // config: 'tailwind.config.js',
    compile: false,
    prefix: 'windi-',
    globalPreflight: true,
    globalUtility: true,
  kit: {
    adapter: '@sveltejs/adapter-node',
    target: '#svelte',

with Typescript

// svelte.config.cjs
const sveltePreprocess = require('svelte-preprocess');
module.exports = {
  preprocess: [
      // uncomment this, if you need a config file
      // config: 'tailwind.config.js',
      compile: false,
      prefix: 'windi-',
      globalPreflight: true,
      globalUtility: true,
  kit: {
    adapter: '@sveltejs/adapter-node',
    target: '#svelte',


Add svelte-windicss-preprocess to your rollup.config.js.

// rollup.config.js
// ...
export default {
  // ...
  client: {
    input: config.client.input(),
    output: config.client.output(),
    plugins: [
      // ...
        // svelte-windicss-preprocess
        preprocess: require('svelte-windicss-preprocess').preprocess({
          config: 'tailwind.config.js',     // tailwind config file path
          compile: true,                    // false: interpretation mode; true: compilation mode
          prefix: 'windi-',                 // set compilation mode style prefix
          globalPreflight: true,            // set preflight style is global or scoped
          globalUtility: true,              // set utility style is global or scoped
        compilerOptions: {
          // ...
      // ...
  // ...
  server: {
    input: config.server.input(),
    output: config.server.output(),
    plugins: [
      // ...
        // svelte-windicss-preprocess
        preprocess: require('svelte-windicss-preprocess').preprocess({
          config: 'tailwind.config.js',      // tailwind config file path
          compile: true,                     // false: interpretation mode; true: compilation mode
          prefix: 'windi-',                  // set compilation mode style prefix
          globalPreflight: true,             // set preflight style is global or scoped
          globalUtility: true,               // set utility style is global or scoped
        compilerOptions: {
          // ...
      // ...
  // ...


Add svelte-windicss-preprocess to your webpack.config.js.

// webpack.config.js
module.exports = {
  client: {
    // ...
    module: {
      rules: [
          test: /\.(svelte|html)$/,
          use: {
            loader: 'svelte-loader',
            options: {
              // ... other options
              // svelte-windicss-preprocess
              preprocess: require('svelte-windicss-preprocess').preprocess({
                config: 'tailwind.config.js', // tailwind config file path
                compile: true, // false: interpretation mode; true: compilation mode
                prefix: 'windi-', // set compilation mode style prefix
                globalPreflight: true, // set preflight style is global or scoped
                globalUtility: true, // set utility style is global or scoped
        // ...

  server: {
    // ...
    module: {
      rules: [
          test: /\.(svelte|html)$/,
          use: {
            loader: 'svelte-loader',
            options: {
              // ... other options
              // svelte-windicss-preprocess
              preprocess: require('svelte-windicss-preprocess').preprocess({
                config: 'tailwind.config.js', // tailwind config file path
                compile: true, // false: interpretation mode; true: compilation mode
                prefix: 'windi-', // set compilation mode style prefix
                globalPreflight: true, // set preflight style is global or scoped
                globalUtility: true, // set utility style is global or scoped
        // ...

Basic Usage

You can write any tailwindcss classes in your .svelte files.

  // ...

  class="bg-white rounded-xl mx-auto max-w-sm space-y-2 shadow-md py-8 px-8 sm:flex sm:space-y-0 sm:space-x-6 sm:py-4 sm:items-center"
    class="rounded-full mx-auto h-24 block sm:flex-shrink-0 sm:mx-0"
    alt="Woman's Face"
  <div class="space-y-2 text-center sm:text-left">
    <div class="space-y-0.5">
      <p class="font-semibold text-lg text-black">Erin Lindford</p>
      <p class="font-medium text-gray-500">Product Engineer</p>
      class="border rounded-full font-semibold border-purple-200 text-sm py-1 px-4 text-purple-600 hover:border-transparent hover:bg-purple-600 hover:text-white focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-purple-600 focus:ring-offset-2"

  /* ... */

Compilation mode

This is not css-in-js, windicss only merges and compiles the tailwind classes of each line into a new class. You can try to compile (npm run build) and check the generated css file.

<div class="windi-15wa4me">
  <img class="windi-1q7lotv" src="/img/erin-lindford.jpg" alt="Woman's Face" />
  <div class="windi-7831z4">
    <div class="windi-x3f008">
      <p class="windi-2lluw6">Erin Lindford</p>
      <p class="windi-1caa1b7">Product Engineer</p>
    <button class="windi-d2pog2">Message</button>
/* ... */
.windi-1q7lotv {
  border-radius: 9999px;
  display: block;
  height: 6rem;
  margin-left: auto;
  margin-right: auto;
/* ... */
@media (min-width: 640px) {
  /* ... */
  .windi-1q7lotv {
    flex-shrink: 0;
    margin-left: 0;
    margin-right: 0;
/* ... */

Interpretation mode

Interpretation mode will not modify your classes, it will only compile the original tailwind classes just like tailwindcss, but it is minimized and has native cross-browser support.

/* ... */
.py-8 {
  padding-top: 2rem;
  padding-bottom: 2rem;
/* ... */
@media (min-width: 640px) {
  /* ... */
  .sm\:items-center {
    align-items: center;
  .sm\:mx-0 {
    margin-left: 0;
    margin-right: 0;
  .sm\:py-4 {
    padding-top: 1rem;
    padding-bottom: 1rem;
  /* ... */

Using tailwind directives

  .testApply {
    @apply pt-6 text-base leading-6 font-bold sm:text-lg sm:leading-7;

  @screen sm {
    ul {
      @apply bg-gray-100 p-2 rounded-lg;

Setup VSCode Extension

If you are using Svelte for VS Code vscode extension, I believe most people are using it. You will need to add "": false to your configuration file.

Hit ctrl-shift-p or cmd-shift-p on mac, type open settings, and select Preferences: Open Settings (JSON). Add "": false to settings.json then save it.

Then you will need to tell svelte-vscode to restart the svelte language server in order to pick up a new configuration.

Hit ctrl-shift-p or cmd-shift-p on mac, type svelte restart, and select Svelte: Restart Language Server. Any errors you were seeing should now go away and you're now all set up!


  • tw is an optional replacement attribute of class, The className in tw will be merged into the class attribute after compilation.

  • Group: You can also write groups in all the attributes mentioned above, such as class="font-meidum sm:hover:(font-bold bg-gray-200)". This is a native feature supported by windicss.

  • Unrestricted build: such as bg-hex-1c1c1e p-3.2 p-3rem p-4px w-10/11 bg-$custom-variable ...

  • [Using tailwind directives], such as @apply, @screen, @variants.

  • States attribute: such as sm md lg xl xxl focus hover dark ... after applid media rules then also will be merged into the class attribute. (Attributes like sm:hover are not available because they may be rarely used and slow down the parsing speed.)

  • Customize: support tailwind.config.js.

  • For more details, please refer to windicss.



A Svelte Preprocessor to compile tailwindcss at build time.

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 93.8%Language:JavaScript 6.2%