noahpatterson / QCPodcast

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

QC Podcast Website

This repo contains all the code and contents behind

Contents of the repository

You will find three directories in the repository, dev. go, and site.

  • dev:
  • go: an App Engine module written in Go used to
  • site: the hugo structure that generates the static website

dev: website development

This directory contains all the tooling we use to build/deploy the podcast. In particular it has a Dockerfile that defines an environment with all the tools we use to generate the website and tag mp3 files.

You can build this image using the Makefile on the root of this repository. You will be able to push it or pull it from Google Container Registry too, but you might need to modify the TAG variable to match a project you have access to.

Finally, once you've built the image, you should be able to create a new interactive shell by running make shell or make attach if you want to attach to an existing one.

tagging a episode

  • Place .mp3 files in dev directory
  • Use the following format QC.Podcast.Episode.2.mp3
  • Inside Docker, in the dev, run the following command to tag: ./ 'QC.Podcast.Episode.1a' 1 'Questionable Pilot - Part 1' '1a' Where args are: 1-file name, 2-episode real number (this is the actual file number), 3-episode title, 4-episode number.
  • Upload this file to Google Cloud Storage and make the link public.

getting to root

  1. su root
  2. password = pw


Is used by the tagging script to put the image on the .mp3 file.

site: the hugo structure that generates the static website

This directory contains all the resources that we use to generate the podcast website.

You can use the Makefile provided in the directory to:

  • Run Interactive Hugo Server (port 1313): make server
  • Sassify->CCS Assets: make assets-update - does production css generation, compressed and everything.
  • Deploy the Project to App Engine:
    • make deploy - This will not make the version default. Useful if you just want to test/share a version live.
    • make deploy-default - This will replace the default version (but the old version is kept, in case

Adding new episodes

  1. under site/content/post create a new episode with following naming
  2. Modify the meta information and post body.
  3. Add any necessary pictures to site/static/images

Changing Podcast images

In order to change images of the Podcast on feeds etc. you need to modify the following files

  • dev/Album.png - used on actual tagged mp3s
  • logo_large.png - 3000x3000
  • logo_transparent.png - 256x256
  • logo.png - 256x256
  • site_logo_large.png - 1000x1000
  • site_logo.png - 250x250
  • favicon.ico - icon used form the web favicon - 16x16
  • favicon.png - png version of favicon - 32x32

To Change

Need to change:

  • all the social urls
  • itunes, google and other urls


I removed:

  • reddit and google+ links

About page

Lives under site/content

go: adding Google Analytics to Google Cloud Storage

This directory contains an App Engine service that provides a way to access the mp3 files stored in Google Cloud Storage while logging those accesses with Google Analytics.

Make targets that can be run within the go directory which is for dynamic modules, such as the module that tracks episode downloads.

  • Run full code lint, vet and goimports over everything: make code-check
  • Start Local Episode Redirect Module: make serve-eps
  • Deploy Episode Redirect Module: make deploy-eps

clarify what this is and does

What's not clear is that this adds a service to your existing app-engine where the site is hosted.

What I had to modify to make it work.

  • For some reason the the code in the Makefile didn't work, so we use gcloud instead. There's a chance that you'll need to add goapp as a script.
  • Might need to also reinstall VIM and re-save the container to have these settings.


This app uses the following open-source libraries:

The Google Cloud Platform Podcast Site and Template GoogleCloudPlatform/podcast is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 A permissive license whose main conditions require preservation of copyright and license notices. Contributors provide an express grant of patent rights. Licensed works, modifications, and larger works may be distributed under different terms and without source code. License License Text


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:HTML 53.2%Language:CSS 13.3%Language:Shell 10.6%Language:JavaScript 9.7%Language:Go 8.5%Language:Makefile 4.7%