noahlange / tiledtils

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A utility library for working with Tiled maps and tilesets, particularly (but not necessarily, it's a peer dependency) using PIXI. It abstracts away the tile-index structure of CSV-formatted Tiled maps, mapping the indices to texture keys in sprite atlases autogenerated from embedded tileset data.

Additional features:

  • screen/world coordinate mapping for isometric and orthographic maps
  • z-indexes for isometric world coordinates
  • sprite offsets
  • object property flattening
  • easy layer/tile iteration
  • flat iteration through all tiles, objects
  • spritesheet, atlases generation from tileset data
  • lazy processing of tiles and objects


import * as PIXI from 'pixi.js';
import { CompositeTilemap } from '@pixi/tilemap';
import { Tiled } from 'tiledtils';
import { loadTiledSpritesheets } from 'tiledtils/pixi';
import mapData from './my-map.json';

const tiled = Tiled.from(mapData);
const app = new PIXI.Application();

// load spritesheets referenced in the map
await loadTiledSpritesheets(tiled);

// iterate through each layer
for (const layer of tiled.layers) {
  const tilemap = new CompositeTilemap();
  // layer tiles
  for (const { name, texture, screen, world } of layer.tiles) {
    console.log(`tile ${name} at ${world.x}, ${world.y}`);
    tilemap.tile(texture, screen.x, screen.y);
  // layer objects
  for (const { name, world } of layer.objects) {
    console.log(`object ${name} at ${world.x}, ${world.y}`);




interface TiledTile {
  id: string;
  texture: string;
  tileset: TilesetData;
  layer: TiledLayer;
  world: Vector2;
  screen: Vector2;
  anchor: Vector2;
  offset: Vector2;
  zIndex: number;
  //  world position
  x: number;
  y: number;

interface TiledObject {
  id: string;
  name: string;
  rotation: number;
  layer: TiledLayer;
  type: string;
  visible: boolean;
  height: number;
  width: number;
  zIndex: number;
  // screen position
  x: number;
  y: number;

interface TiledData {
  // root contents of a Tiled JSON export

interface LayerData {
  // contents of each object in `map.layers`


Custom object properties are automatically flattened into a POJO. If you do something dopey like attempting to set a property on a number, it'll catch the error and return an empty object.

  { "name": "a", "type": "string", "value": "1" },
  { "name": "", "type": "boolean", "value": true },
  { "name": "foo.baz[0]", "type": "integer", "value": 3 },
  { "name": "foo.baz[1].bat", "type": "float", "value": 4.5 }
  "a": "1",
  "foo": {
    "bar": true,
    "baz": [
      { "bat": 4.5 }


All properties are read-only unless otherwise indicated.

class Tiled {
  public static from(data: TiledData): Tiled;

  public id: string;
  public tileWidth: number;
  public tileHeight: number;
  public width: number;
  public height: number;

  public objects: TiledObject[];
  public tiles: TiledTile[];
  public tilemap: TiledData;
  public layers: TiledLayer[];
  public tilesets: TilesetData[];
  public atlases: Record<string, SpriteAtlas>;
  public properties: Properties;

  public getTileID(index: number): string;
  public getTileset(index: number): TilesetData;

  // screen position → world coordinates
  public toWorldPoint(screen: Vector2): Vector2;
  // world coordinates → screen position
  public toScreenPoint(world: Vector2): Vector2;

class TiledLayer {
  public id: string;
  public type: string;
  public name: string;
  public x: number;
  public y: number;
  public width: number;
  public height: number;
  public isVisible: boolean;
  public opacity: number;

  public tiles: TiledTile[];
  public objects: TiledObject[];
  public properties: Properties;

Notes & Caveats

  • only supports orthographic, standard isometric projections
  • requires Tile Layer Format to be set to CSV



Language:TypeScript 87.6%Language:JavaScript 12.4%