no-identd / slice_finder

A Framework for Slice Discovery

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Slice Finder: A Framework for Slice Discovery

Slice Finder is a versatile and highly configurable framework designed for the discovery of explainable, anomalous data subsets, which exhibit substantially divergent metric values in comparison to the entire dataset.

To illustrate, imagine that you have developed a model for identifying fraudulent transactions. The model's overall accuracy across the entire dataset is 0.95. However, when transactions occur more than 100 km away from the previous transaction and involve cash (2 filters), the model's accuracy drops significantly to 0.54.

Slice Finder is a crucial investigative instrument, as it enables data scientists to identify regions where their models demonstrate over- or under-performance.

Algorithmic achievements

  • Tackling data quantization can be complex, particularly when transforming continuous values into discrete space. Slice Finder overcomes this challenge by fitting an LGBM model to the data and extracting the appropriate splits.
  • As the number of filters, columns, and values increases, so does the combinatorial search space. Slice Finder addresses this issue in two ways:
    • By fitting an LGBM model to the data, the most critical fields and values for splitting are identified, significantly reducing the search space.
    • Incorporating Genetic Algorithm heuristics to converge towards global minima/maxima, which outperforms both the time-consuming "try-it-all" approach and uniform filter sampling in terms of efficiency and results.

Engineering achievements

By separating data connectors, data structures, and slice finders, SliceFinder offers a flexible framework that enables seamless modifications and replacement of components. Furthermore, by detaching metric mechanism from the system, SliceFinder supports any custom logic metrics.


GA search for anomalous subset with high MSE


Install Slice Finder via pip:

pip install slice_finder

Quick Start

import pandas as pd
from sklearn import metrics
from slice_finder import GAMuPlusLambdaSliceFinder, FlattenedLGBMDataStructure, PandasDataConnector

# Load data
df = pd.read_csv('your_data.csv')

# Initialize Genetic Algorithm Slice Finder with desired data connector and data structure
slice_finder = GAMuPlusLambdaSliceFinder(
        X_cols=df.drop(['pred', 'target'], axis=1).columns,

# Find anomalous slice
extreme = slice_finder.find_extreme(
    metric=lambda df: metrics.mean_absolute_error(df['target'], df['pred']),

Data Connectors

Built in:

  • PandasDataConnector - allow you to use Pandas

Base Classes:

  • DataConnector - Base data connector

More connectors will be added as demand grows.

You can create your custom data connector by extending the base class and implementing the necessary methods.

Data Structures

Built in:

  • FlattenedLGBMDataStructure - Utilizes LightGBM decision trees to quantize and partition the data. Note: Currently, FlattenedLGBMDataStructure must work with PandasDataConnector because of LGBM constraints. Moreover, this data structure is coupled to pandas connector because categorical values must be modified to pd.Categorical class.

Base classes:

  • DataStructure - Base data structure
  • LGBMDataStructure - Handles the fitting and partitioning the LGBM trees

More data structures will be added as demand grows.

You can create your custom data structure by extending the base classes and implementing the necessary methods.

Slice Finders

Built in:

  • GAMuPlusLambdaSliceFinder - Utilizes eaMuPlusLambda evolutionary algorithm to search for the most anomalous slice
  • UniformSliceFinder - Utilizes uniform sampling out of the data structure

Base classes:

  • SliceFinder - Base slice finder
  • GASliceFinder - Extends SliceFinder and enables the use of genetic algorithms as search heuristics

More algorithms will be added based on demand.

You can create your custom data structure by extending the base class and implementing the necessary methods.


Metrics are passed as functions to the find_extreme method, allowing you to use any metric or implement your custom logic.

Neat things to implement

  • Calculation parallelism
  • More search algorithms. Ant colony optimization?


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


Contributions are welcome! Clone the repo, run poetry install and start hacking.


For any questions, bug reports, or feature requests, please open an issue.


A Framework for Slice Discovery


Language:Python 100.0%