nno / matlab_GIfTI

A MATLAB GIfTI library

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 GIfTI - a MATLAB GIfTI Library (v1.6)

 Copyright (C) 2008-2015 Guillaume Flandin <Guillaume@artefact.tk>

 This MATLAB class allows to handle GIfTI Geometry file format from the 
 Neuroimaging Informatics Technology Initiative.
   GIfTI: http://www.nitrc.org/projects/gifti/
   NIfTI: http://nifti.nimh.nih.gov/

 It relies on external libraries:
   o Base64, by Peter J. Acklam:
   o miniz, by Rich Geldreich:
   o dzip, by Michael Kleder:
   o XMLTree, by Guillaume Flandin:
   o mVTK, by Guillaume Flandin:

 Note that these tools are already included in the GIfTI library provided
 here, so you don't need to install them separately.

 This library is also part of SPM:
   SPM: http://www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/spm/

 MATLAB 7.1 (R14SP3) or above is required to use most of the features of
 this toolbox.
 This library takes advantage of MATLAB Object-Oriented facilities and all
 the code is embedded in a @gifti class. To install it, all you need is to 
 make sure that the directoy containing @gifti is in MATLAB path:
  >> addpath /home/login/matlab/gifti
 Note that the handling of gzipped data requires Java, so you shouldn't 
 start MATLAB with the '-nojvm' option and the following line must not 
 return an error:
  >> error(javachk('jvm'));
 Alternatively, a C-MEX file can be compiled, see @gifti/private/zstream.c
 In the following, we use the files contained in BV_GIFTI.tar.gz
 (BrainVISA examples), available from the NITRC website: 
   >> % Read the GIfTI surface file
   >> g = gifti('sujet01_Lwhite.surf.gii')
   >> % Read the GIfTI shape file
   >> gg = gifti('sujet01_Lwhite.shape.gii')
   >> % Display mesh
   >> figure; plot(g);
   >> % Display mesh with curvature
   >> figure; plot(g,gg);
 In a similar way, a gifti object can be created from scratch and save to a file:
   >> load mri
   >> D = squeeze(D);
   >> Ds = smooth3(D);
   >> g = gifti(isosurface(Ds,5))
   >> h = plot(g);
   >> daspect([1,1,.4]); view(45,30); axis tight
   >> lightangle(45,30);
   >> set(h,'SpecularColorReflectance',0,'SpecularExponent',50)
   >> save(g,'mri.surf.gii','Base64Binary');
 MATLAB is a Registered Trademark of The Mathworks, Inc.
 Copyright (C) 2008-2015 Guillaume Flandin <Guillaume@artefact.tk>


A MATLAB GIfTI library



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