nmoorenz / ADSwR

"Agile Machine Learning with R - A workflow" is an opinionated take on how to do a machine learning project in R

Home Page:https://edwinth.github.io/ADSwR/

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This is a Writing out Loud of a text on Agile machince learning with R, in which I explore how the concepts of Agile software development can be applied to machine learning (and data science in general) with R.

Readers are encouraged to share their own workflows and best practises by filing an issue. I might incorporate these ideas in the main text or in an appendix. Please file pull requests to fix typos and style errors.

This project uses continuous integration with Ropensci's tic.bookdown. The latest version is available here https://edwinth.github.io/ADSwR/


"Agile Machine Learning with R - A workflow" is an opinionated take on how to do a machine learning project in R



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