nmondon / nmondon

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hi, I'm Nicolas Mondon, software engineer and data journalist based in Paris

I'm mostly doing quantitative analysis and data visualisations. For this, I use lots of:

  • Python (pandas, numpy, scikit-learn, jupyter, spacy) and node.js (puppeteer) for scraping and data analysis (statistics, NLP, machine learning)
  • Typescript, React, Svelte, d3, SVG, canvas, WebGL, topojson, RxJS or firebase for data visualisations

But a part of my job is also to industrialize and build tools to improve our processes, reuse components through dedicated libraries or scaffolders.

Here is a short selection of recent projects I've made:

Flux des scores de Ligue 1 : a sankey diagram variation applied to football scores

  • design, development

Municipales 2020 : les résultats pour les villes de plus de 3 500 habitants

  • a live dashboard for the french local elections
  • design, implementation (including a routine to retrieve and process the data)

Qui peut remporter le second tour des municipales dans votre commune?

  • a search engine to analyse political alliances
  • processing, design, implementation

Votre département a-t-il enregistré une surmortalité importante ?

  • processing + design + implementation

De l’élégance noire à l’audace du néon : quand les couleurs racontent la mode

  • for this piece, I've analyzed thousands of images from fashion collections with a tensorflow model to extract silhouettes. Then I've used a quantization algorithm to get color palettes for each brand. Finally, I build a scrollytelling visualization with arcs patterns to show the generated palettes.

Ligue 1 ranking

  • a tool to visualize the evolution of Ligue 1's ranking, made in d3

Quelles études ont fait nos ministres ?

I'm also doing OSS, here are some of my projects:

  • kohonen: a JS implementation of the SOM algorithm
  • fulgur: A declarative vis library in React I'm working on
  • plugnplay: A store for React based on RxJS that I use in each one of my React projects
