nmineev / sarimannx

A time series model

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SARIMANNX, Seasonal AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average Neural Network with eXogenous regressors, a time series forecasting model.

SARIMANNX is a simple generalization of SARIMAX for capturing a nonlinearities in time series, so SARIMANNX is more appropriate to forecast a nonlinear or sum of linear and nonlinear time series.



  • Python >= (3.8)
  • NumPy >= (1.20.3)
  • SciPy >= (1.6.3)


  1. Clone this repo;
  2. Copy "sarimannx" folder in your project.

Basic concepts

Let y_t be a researched time series observation at time t. If time series is nonstationary, there is one way to make it stationary -- computing the differences between consecutive observations, i.e. differencing: y't = y_t - y{t-1} and seasonal differencing: y't = y_t - y{t-s}.

Suppose, that after d-times differencing and D-times seasonal differencing with season length s, we have a stationary time series y_t. Then it can be represented as



  • \hat y_t -- prediction at time t;

  • x^{(0)}_t, \dots, x^{(h)}_t -- exogenous regressors at time t;

  • \varepsilon_t = y_t - \hat y_t -- white noise value at time t, which often referred to as the innovation or shock at time t;

  • p,\ r -- AutoRegression(AR) orders of {SARMA} and {ANN}

  • q,\ g -- MovingAverage(MA) orders of {SARMA} and {ANN}

  • P = (P_0, \dots, P_k),\ R = (R_0, \dots, R_u) -- set of seasonal AR lags of {SARMA} and {ANN}

  • Q = (Q_0, \dots, Q_l),\ G = (G_0, \dots, G_v) -- set of seasonal MA lags of {SARMA} and {ANN}

  • {Trend}(t) -- trend polynomial;

  • {SARMA}t(p,\ q)\times(P,\ Q) = \mathbf{W{sarima}} \cdot \mathbf{y^{(t-1)}_{sarima}}

    • \mathbf{y^{(t-1)}{sarima}} = (y{t-1}, \dots, y_{t-p}, y_{t-P_0}, \dots, y_{t-P_k}, \varepsilon_{t-1}, \dots, \varepsilon_{t-q}, \varepsilon_{t-Q_0}, \dots, \varepsilon_{t-Q_l}, x^{(0)}_t, \dots, x^{(h)}_t)

    • \mathbf{W_{sarima}} -- weights vector;

  • \begin{aligned}{ANN}t(r,\ g)\times(R,\ G) = \mathbf{W^{(n)}{ann}} \cdot F(\dots F(\mathbf{W^{(1)}{ann}} \cdot F(\mathbf{W^{(0)}{ann}} \cdot \mathbf{y^{(t-1)}{ann}} + \mathbf{b^{(0)}{ann}}) + \mathbf{b^{(1)}_{ann}})\dots)\end{aligned}

    • \mathbf{y^{(t-1)}{ann}} = (y{t-1}, \dots, y_{t-r}, y_{t-R_0}, \dots, y_{t-R_u}, \varepsilon_{t-1}, \dots, \varepsilon_{t-g}, \varepsilon_{t-G_0}, \dots, \varepsilon_{t-G_v}, x^{(0)}_t, \dots, x^{(h)}_t)

    • \mathbf{W^{(0)}{ann}}, \dots, \mathbf{W^{(n-1)}{ann}} -- weights matrices,

    • \mathbf{W^{(n)}_{ann}} -- weights vector,

    • \mathbf{b^{(0)}{ann}}, \dots, \mathbf{b^{(n-1)}{ann}} -- bias vectors,

    • F(\cdot) -- vector function;

This model is {SARIMANNX}(p,\ q,\ d,\ r,\ g)\times(P,\ Q,\ D,\ R,\ G,\ s)

SARIMANNX can be considered as a recurrent neural network (RNN) with skip connections that produce an output at each time step and have recurrent connections from the outputs at previous MAX_MA_LAG time steps to the input at the next time step, where part of input passes through Fully Connected Layers and part skips it, as illustrated in figure below:

(here \mathbf{\varepsilon^{(t-1)}} = (\varepsilon_{t-1}, \dots, \varepsilon_{t-MAX_MA_LAG}) \mathbf{y^{(t-1)}} = (y_{t-1}, \dots, y_{t-MAX_AR_LAG}, x^{(0)}{t-1}, \dots, x^{(h)}{t-1}) )


Implementation reference

class sarimannx.sarimannx.SARIMANNX( order=(1, 0, 0, 1, 0), seasonal_order=(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), ann_hidden_layer_sizes=10, ann_activation="tanh", trend="n", optimize_init_shocks=True, grad_clip_value=1e+140, max_grad_norm=10, logging_level=logging.WARNING, solver="L-BFGS-B", **solver_kwargs)

This model optimizes the squared-loss (MSE) using LBFGS or other optimizers available in scipy.optimize.minimize.

order : iterable, optional
The (p, q, d, r, g) order of the model. All values must be an integers.
Default is (1, 0, 0, 1, 0).
seasonal_order : iterable, optional
The (P, Q, D, R, G, s) order of the seasonal component of the model. D and s must be an integers, while P, Q, R and G may either be an integers or iterables of integers. s needed only for differencing, so all necessary seasonal lags must be specified explicitly.
Default is no seasonal effect.
ann_hidden_layer_sizes : iterable, optional
The ith element represents the number of neurons in the ith hidden layer in ANN part of the model. All values must be an integers.
Default is (10,).
ann_activation : {"identity", "logistic", "tanh", "relu"}
Activation function for the hidden layer in ANN part of the model.
  • "identity", no-op activation,
    returns f(x) = x

  • "logistic", the logistic sigmoid function,
    returns f(x) = 1 / (1 + exp(-x)).

  • "tanh", the hyperbolic tan function,
    returns f(x) = tanh(x).

  • "relu", the rectified linear unit function,
    returns f(x) = max(0, x)

Default is "tanh".
trend : str{"n","c","t","ct"} or iterable, optional
Parameter controlling the deterministic trend polynomial Trend(t). Can be specified as a string where "c" indicates a constant (i.e. a degree zero component of the trend polynomial), "t" indicates a linear trend with time, and "ct" is both. Can also be specified as an iterable defining the powers of t included in polynomial. For example, [1, 2, 0, 8] denotes a*t + b*t^2 + c + d*t^8.
Default is to not include a trend component.
optimize_init_shocks : bool, optional
Whether to optimize first MAX_MA_LAG shocks as additional model parameters or assume them as zeros. If the sample size is relatively small, initial shocks optimization is more preferable.
Default is True.
grad_clip_value : int, optional
Maximum allowed value of the gradients. The gradients are clipped in the range [-grad_clip_value, grad_clip_value]. Gradient clipping by value used for intermediate gradients, where gradient clipping by norm is not applicable. Clipping needed for fixing gradint explosion.
Default is 1e+140.
max_grad_norm : int, optional
Maximum allowed norm of the final gradient. If the final gradient norm is greater, final gradient will be normalized and multiplied by max_grad_norm. Gradient clipping by norm used for final gradient to fix its explosion.
Default is 10.
logging_level : int, optional
If logging is needed, firstly necessary to initialize logging config and then choose appropriate logging level for logging training progress. Without config no messages will be displayed at either logging level (Do not confuse with warning messages from warnings library which simply printing in stdout. For disable it use warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") for example). For more details see logging HOWTO.
Default is 30.
solver : str, optional
The solver for weights optimization. For a full list of available solvers, see scipy.optimize.minimize.
Default is "L-BFGS-B".
Additional keyword agruments for the solver(For example, maximum number of iterations or optimization tolerance). For more details, see scipy.optimize.minimize.
loss_ : float
The final loss computed with the loss function.
n_iter_ : int
The number of iterations the solver has run.
trend_coefs : numpy ndarray
Trend polynomial coefficients.
sarima_coefs : numpy ndarray
Weights vector of SARIMA part of the model. First p coefficients corresponds to AR part, next len(P) corresponds to seasonal AR part, next q corresponds to MA part and last len(Q) coefficients corresponds to seasonal MA part.
ann_coefs : list of numpy ndarrays
Weights matrices of ANN part of the model. The ith element in the list represents the weight matrix corresponding to layer i.
ann_intercepts : list of numpy ndarrays
Bias vectors of ANN part of the model. The ith element in the list represents the bias vector corresponding to layer i + 1. Output layer has no bias.
init_shocks : numpy ndarray
The first MAX_MA_LAG shocks. If optimize_init_shocks is False, then after training they will be zeros, else initial shocks will be optimized as other model weights.
max_ma_lag : int
Highest moving average lag in the model.
max_ar_lag : int
Highest autoregressive lag in the model
num_exogs : int
Number of exogenous regressors used by model. Equals to X.shape[1] or len(sarima_exogs)+len(ann_exogs).
train_score : float
r2_score on training data after training.
train_std : float
Standard deviation of model residuals after training.


fit(y[, X, sarima_exogs, ...])

Fits the model to time series data y.


Returns all trained model parameters and initial shocks.

predict([y, X, ...])

Makes forecasts from fitted model.

set_params(sarima_coefs, ...)

Sets all trainable model parameters and initial shocks.

fit(y, X=None, sarima_exogs=slice(None), ann_exogs=slice(None), dtype=float, init_weights_shocks=True, return_preds_resids=False)

Fits the model to time series data y.

y : ndarray of shape (nobs,)
Training time series data.
X : ndarray, optional
Matrix of exogenous regressors. If provided, it must be shaped to (nobs, k), where k is number of regressors.
Default is no exogenous regressors in the model.
sarima_exogs : iterable, optional
Specify regressors which will be included in SARIMA input by specifying columns indices of the X matrix.
Default is all provided regressors will be included.
ann_exogs : iterable, optional
Specify regressors which will be included in ANN input by specifying columns indices of the X matrix.
Default is all provided regressors will be included.
dtype : dtype, optional
Data type in which input data y and X will be converted before training.
Default is numpy float64
init_weights_shocks : bool, optional
Wheter or not to initialize all model trained parameters. If this is the first time calling fit method and parameters did not specified via set_params method then init_weights_shocks must be set to True.
Default is True.
return_preds_resids : bool, optional
Wheter or not to return all one step predictions along y and corresponding residuals together with trained model. If true, returns self and python dictionary.
Default is False.
self : return a trained SARIMANNX model.
python dictionary
Returns python dict with keys "predictions" and "residuals" and corresponding numpy ndarrays, if return_preds_resids was set to True.

Returns all trained model parameters and initial shocks.

python dictionary
Returns all model trained parameters and initial shocks in python dictionary by keys "sarima_coefs", "trend_coefs", "ann_coefs", "ann_intercepts" and "init_shocks".
predict(y=None, X=None, input_shocks=None, t=None, horizon=1, intervals=False, return_last_input_shocks=False)

Makes forecasts from fitted model.

Suppose that the last time moment in train data was T.

By default, predict returns prediction of value at T+horizon time moment, but if a model has exogenous regressors, for getting prediction you need to provide exogenous regressors matrix X of shape (horizon, k) where k is number of exogenous regressors.

If new data y was provided with N number of observations, then predict returns prediction of value at T+N+horizon time moment. All shocks corresponds to new data will be calculated. And again, if a model has exogenous regressors, you need to provide exogenous regressors matrix X but now of shape (N+horizon, k).

Also, you can just substitute new data y, shocks, time moment t and exogenous regressors X into model and get prediction of value at t+horizon time moment, but make sure that new data y has at least d+D*s+max_ar_lag observations, shocks has at least max_ma_lag values and exogenous regressors matrix has shape (horizon, k).

y : ndarray, optional
New time series data.
X : ndarray, optional
Matrix of exogenous regressors.
input_shocks : ndarray, optional
Input shocks. Must be in reverse time order, i.e. t-1 shock by 0 index t-2 shock by 1 index etc.
t : int, optional
Forecasing origin.
horizon : float, optional
Forecasting horizon.
intervals : bool, optional
Wheter or not to return prediction intervals. Intervals correctly calculates only for one step prediction(i.e when horizon is 1) yet.
return_last_input_shocks : bool, optional
Wheter or not to return last calculated input shocks. Useful when in next time you want to just substitute inputs in model for getting prediction.
pred : float
Model prediction of value at t+horizon time moment.
pred_intervals : tuple
Returns prediction intervals if intervals was True.
last_input_shocks : ndarray
Returns last input shocks in reverse time order, if return_input_shocks was True.
set_params(sarima_coefs, ann_coefs, ann_intercepts, trend_coefs, init_shocks)

Sets all trainable model parameters and initial shocks.

sarima_coefs : ndarray
Weights vector of SARIMA part of the model.
ann_coefs : list of ndarrays
Weights matrices of ANN part of the model. The ith element in the list represents the weight matrix corresponding to layer i.
ann_intercepts : list of ndarrays
Bias vectors of ANN part of the model. The ith element in the list represents the bias vector corresponding to layer i + 1. Output layer has no bias.
trend_coefs : ndarray
Coefficients of trend polynomial.
init_shocks : ndarray
The first MAX_MA_LAG shocks.


>>> import sys
>>> import os
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import warnings
>>> warnings.filterwarnings("ignore")
>>> module_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath("."), "sarimannx")
>>> if module_path not in sys.path:
...     sys.path.append(module_path)
>>> from sarimannx import SARIMANNX
>>> np.random.seed(888)
>>> y = np.random.normal(1., 1., size=(200,))
>>> model = SARIMANNX(options={"maxiter": 500}).fit(y)
>>> model.predict()

For more examples see "examples" folder.


  1. R. Hyndman, G. Athanasopoulos, Forecasting: principles and practice, 3rd ed. Otexts, 2021, p. 442. Available: https://otexts.com/fpp3/

  2. I. Goodfellow, Y. Bengio, A. Courville, Deep Learning. The MIT Press, 2016, p. 800. Available: https://www.deeplearningbook.org/


A time series model


Language:Python 100.0%