Naresh Mewada (nmewada01)


Geek Repo

Company:Student at Masai

Location:Sehore, India

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Naresh Mewada's repositories


Sports-K is a e-commerce website which offers sports based products like men's clothes and shoes and women's clothes and shoes. It allows you to buy clothes and shoes online with payment gateway integration. you can add your favourite product or you can also search by using filters. There are different type or variety of clothes and shoes available in this website. you just have to follow the steps and after some steps you will able to place your order and buy products which you are store in your cart.



Todo App where you can add your tasks and subtasks. You can update and delete and create you tasks and subtasks. For use this Todo App you have to first authenticate yourself. You can use this Todo for daily work purpose.



A CRUD Todo Application With Great UI. Completed all functionality and you can easily use. ToDo List App is a kind of app that generally used to maintain our day-to-day tasks or list everything that we have to do, with the most important tasks at the top of the list, and the least important tasks at the bottom. It is helpful in planning our daily schedules.



This is a clone website of E-commerce Website that name is "Banggood" It is the first Peer Programming at Masai School using HTML,CSS & JavaScript. We worked on "", that is a online "E-commerce website". We had a time frame of a week . This was the first Peer Programming for all of us that given Masai Mentor.



This is the clone of the website Bath & Body Works which we have done collabratively during our Unit 3 construct week at Masai. We tried to implement most of the functionalities from the original website.



Bettermart is an ecommerce platform from where a user can by daily life used things and accessories like dresses shoes and many more things



I have made a basic calculator that performs arithmetic operations on numbers. It can do only addition, subtraction, multiplication and division mathematical calculations.



DeskTime was born out of the need for the Draugiem Group to manage their many employees. An internal application was developed, and we soon realized that we'd made a tool that could be useful for many other companiesDeploy Link


Naukari-Clone is an Indian employment website operating in India and Middle East. It was founded in March 1997 by Indian businessman Sanjeev Bikhchandani. is the largest employment website in India.



Here is my portfolio where you can see all my projects and about me. Honest With My work and vey passionate about to learn new things. Learning New things is for me a motivation to expand my knowledge.



Tanner Goods offers leather-based products such as wallets and bags. The company built on the idea that quality, longevity, and value are all interdependent. Hence, their goods are based in value-driven design and quality manufacturing. Founded in 2006, Tanner Goods is based in Portland, Oregon.



A very easy implementation of Responsive Tic-Tac-Toe game in React. If you want to make a simple tic-tac-toe game use this repo for implementation. For this game I have use very easy methods that everyone can understand.



Twitter App where Users can tweet their quotes and thoughts with gifs. A user who logged in can see everyone's post but can't able to delete and update anyone's post except their own. User also updates their profile here.



I made this Weather App using openweatherapi and google map location. You found the weather report by searching your city name and also you can search your location. There is button name know your location after click that button you will see your current location where you are. For completing this project I use html, javascript , css.



Used a chartJs library for making an animated and interactive graph. also performed a CRUD operation.



deploy a JSON server using cyclic. with this API, we can perform the crud operation. If you want to deploy your JSON-server. you need to just clone this repo and copy paste your database in a db.json file and deploy on cyclic.



Most of the people know about the dice game. It is the game where we have dice with 6 different number(1-6) and we to play a game according to the rule. the players who have got a big number when he throw the dice is a winner of the game. So I made this amazing game. You can play by clicking the deploy link.



I build a banking application where I have to use command-line interface to perform given operation.



deploy a JSON server using render. with this API, we can perform the crud operation. If you want to deploy your JSON-server. you need to just clone this repo and copy paste your database in a db.json file and deploy on render.



deploy a JSON server using Railway. with this API, we can perform the crud operation. If you want to deploy your JSON-server. you need to just clone this repo and copy paste your database in a db.json file and deploy on Railway.



This is a music-app where you can update the music and edit the music. I have add the sort functionality in this app so that you can easily search your interest.



This repository is only for educational purpose , I have uploaded answers for questions which I solved on hackerrank.



Create a backend server for authentication by using nodeJS. here I create 3 APIs ( signup, login, and user). if you want to create the authentication APIs. So you need to just go through this repo. you will understand everything.



create API during nem-111 unit evaluation.



It is a Read Me File which is available on main page. In this I uploaded my skills and projects which I have made during my study time and also portfolio link is there. if you want to know how I spend my time on Git hub So you must explore my ReadMe.



It is basic counter app where you can increment and decrement the count and also you can double the count by click the double button.



If you want to see resume pdf. you can visit this repo and find the pdf and drive link of Resume.



To-do lists help you stay organized. Online apps do this by giving you the option to organize your list how you want. I Make the Todo where you can add your task. After completing your task you can simply click to the radio button which is on the left then the pop shows some description. If you want to delete the task you can click to the delete button. I try give the great UI for this Todo App.



I make the Todo App with the use of Reducer. It is very usefull and I add some functionality in this. You can Add you Todo list in this and If you completed the task so you can simply click the completed button which is on the left side. After Clicking this button you can see that your task is done and The text will be line-through. There is a delete button after completing the task you can delete the item.



Here I clone the Youtube with available api. In this Youtube clone you can search videos and other things. if you want watch in full screen you can simply click on div so you can redirected to the video page where you can see the full screen size of the video. Tech Stack : Html , CSS, Javascript
