nmarshall23 / Trafficking-Reporting

mobile friendly website for citizens to report suspected human trafficking situations.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


mobile friendly website for citizens to report suspected human trafficking situations.

To Build from source

Check out of git. From the command line, run the sbt, or sbt.bat if on windows. You should now be in a sbt console. Run 'Complile'. That should download all of the necessary libraries. You should see it report success. Next run 'container:start', it should show that it's a local server to demo the appication. In your web browser, goto "http://localhost:8080/" you should from there be able to try out the appication.

Deploying to Heroku


  1. Install the Heroku Toolbelt
  2. Install the heroku-deploy command line plugin: $ heroku plugins:install https://github.com/heroku/heroku-deploy


heroku create heroku deploy:war --war <path_to_war_file> heroku config:set JAVA_OPTS="-Drun.mode=production -Xmx384m -Xss512k -XX:+UseCompressedOops"


mobile friendly website for citizens to report suspected human trafficking situations.


Language:Scala 98.5%Language:Shell 1.5%