nlok5923 / demo-aa

This repo demonstrate how to create a custom SCW using EIP-4337

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Create Custom SCW

How to set up the bundler?

  • First clone the repo

  • Now install all the modules in the root directory budler/ by doing:

  • Then we need to build individual packages and resolve dependancy issues. For this first create a file testnet-mnemonic.txt and paste your private key inside it. Now in the terminal:
MNEMONIC_FILE=<path-to-mnemonic> yarn preprocess
  • Now replace the mneumonic present at packages/bundler/localconfig/mnemonic.txt with your private key.

  • We also need to configure the bundler.config.json at packages/bundler/localconfig/bundler.config.json with the following changes:

  "mnemonic": "./localconfig/mnemonic.txt",
  "network": "goerli",
  "beneficiary": "<YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY>",
  "port": "3000",
  "helper": "0x214fadBD244c07ECb9DCe782270d3b673cAD0f9c",
  "entryPoint": "<YOUR_ENTRY_POINT_ADDRESS>",
  "minBalance": "0",
  "gasFactor": "1"
  • As we have changed the mnemonic to private key, we need to make some changes to incoporate this:
    • We need to make changes in the hardhat.config.ts present inside /bundler package. Replace the accounts in getNetwork with:
        accounts: [mnemonic]
    • In the packages/bundler/src/runBundler.ts file we need to change two things. First, we should change the provider by giving a ethers JsonRpcProvider as follows:
      const provider: BaseProvider =
          // eslint-disable-next-line
 === 'hardhat' ? require('hardhat').ethers.provider :
          new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(``)
      Now we need to change the Wallet which is extracted from mneunomic to a one extracted from private key:
      wallet = new Wallet(mnemonic, provider);
  • Now you can start the bundler:
INFURA_ID=<YOUR_INFURA_ID> yarn run bundler

You can add your INFURA_ID in the hardhat.config.ts infuraUrl instead of passing it in command line

Prepare Demo-AA repositry

  • First install the dependancies
  • Now we need to prepack the contracts. First create a testnet-mnemonic.txt in the root and place your private key inside it. This compiles the SCW & places the types in src/ folder
MNEMONIC_FILE=testnet-mnemonic.txt yarn prepack
  • The default timeout interval is too low so we need to increase it. In the file node_modules/@account-abstraction/sdk/dist/src/UserOperationEventListener.js increase the DEFAULT_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT value by 100 times.

  • If you are running your local bundler replace the bundler url in runop.ts with it.

  • Run the runOp file to test the SCW

INFURA_ID=<infura-id> MNEMONIC_FILE=<file-containing-private-key> yarn runop --network goerli


This repo demonstrate how to create a custom SCW using EIP-4337


Language:Solidity 49.8%Language:TypeScript 46.6%Language:Shell 3.6%