nlighteneddesign / d4dd

Docker For Drupal Development

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Created to be cloned within a subdirectory in your Drupal codebase. Will need to enter the cloned source directory in your Drupal branch's .gitignore.

This project requires phpcov which requires a newer version of phpunit than Drupal currently ships with. composer remove "phpunit/phpunit" composer require --dev "phpunit/phpunit":"^5.1" "phpunit/phpcov":"^3.1"


Preconfiguration for MacOS

  1. gem install docker-sync
  2. brew install fswatch
  3. Update 'scr' variable in syncs section in docker-sync.yml file


  1. After cloning this repo, at the project's root, make a local copy of the .env file: cp .env.default .env
  2. In the newly-created .env file, set DOCROOT to the root folder where your Drupal site exists
  • i.e. if your site is in project/web set the variable to web
  1. In the same .env file, set THEME to the folders where the site theme exists.
  • i.e., if your site theme exists at project/web/themes/custom_theme. set the variable to themes/custom_theme
  1. For all other variables set ports to not conflict with existing used ports on your host machine
  2. Create a new settings.php file based off of default.settings.php, and set the file's permissions to 777.
  3. Add the following line at the bottom of settings.php:

$config_directories['sync'] = 'sites/default/config/base';

  1. Access the Drupal install screen. When you get to the database information form, enter the following:

        database => project_db
        username => root
        password => secret
        host => mariadb
        port => 3306
        driver => mysql

If not on Linux you may need to do the following

  1. In the .env file, modify HOST_IP to match an external IP
  • Leverage Peter's handy dandy script in order to find a likely IP: HOST_IP=$(ifconfig | awk '$0 ~ /inet / && $0 !~ / {print $2; exit;}');
  1. Open your hosts file

Run instructions(Linux)

  1. docker-compose build
  2. docker-compose up -d

To stop containers

  • docker-compose down To stop containers and delete container data (will not delete the project files but will delete db and other information)
  • docker-compose down -v

How to use

Access site at http://localhost:NGINX_HOST_HTTP_PORT Access jenkins at http://localhost:JENKINS_HOST_PORT Access sonarqube at http://localhost:SONARQUBE_HOST_PORT Access phpmyadmin at

Run instructions(Mac)

  1. docker-sync-stack start


  1. docker-sync start
  2. In a new shell run after you started docker-sync docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-dev.yml up -d


How to I populate the DB, once all the containers are up and running?

  • Get a recent .sql file of the full DB, and run the following from the directory where the .sql file exists. docker exec -i d4dd_mariadb_1 mysql -uroot -psecret project_db < your.db.sql

How do a I run a drush command?

  • Access the shell of the php-fpm container.
docker exec -i -t INSTANCE_NAME /bin/sh

...where INSTANCE_NAME is replaced by the php-fpm instance name (ie, d4dd_php-fpm_1)

  • Move to the desired instance's Drupal root directory.

Default: cd /var/www/drupal/web

  • Run the desired drush command.


How do I access the CLI on an instance?

  • Run docker exec -i -t INSTANCE_NAME /bin/sh ..where INSTANCE_NAME is replaced by the instance name (ie, d4dd_php-fpm_1)

I'm running these containers on a Linux box, and I've heard there's a major security flaw inherent to using Docker on Linux. How do I secure the IP Tables?

A handy guide can be found here.

Start Docker without iptables

  • create /lib/systemd/system/docker.service.d/noiptables.conf and fill it with the following info:
ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker daemon  --iptables=false

Modify the ufw rules

  • In /etc/ufw/user.before, add the following rules above *filter:
:docker_postrouting - [0:0]
-A POSTROUTING -j docker_postrouting
-A docker_postrouting -s ! -o br+ -j MASQUERADE
  • In the same file, add the following before "COMMIT" at the bottom.

# for xdebug #
-A ufw-before-input -p tcp --dport 9000 -s -j ACCEPT

### DOCKER END ###

I tried to run docker-compose up -d and I got a strange error: No available IPv4 addresses on this network's address pools. What gives?

  • It may be because you have a VPN connection open. Please disconnect from the VPN & rerun docker-compose up -d.


Docker For Drupal Development


Language:Shell 43.2%Language:PHP 37.8%Language:Makefile 14.4%Language:Groovy 4.6%