nlemoine / acf-country

ACF Country field - Display a select field of all countries, in any language.

Repository from Github https://github.comnlemoine/acf-countryRepository from Github https://github.comnlemoine/acf-country

ACF Country field

Latest Version Packagist Beerpay Donate

Adds a 'Country' field type for the Advanced Custom Fields WordPress plugin.


From version 2.0.0, ACF Country introduced some important breaking changes:

  • Dropped support for older PHP & ACF versions, new requirements are:
    • ACF 5.7+
    • PHP 5.4+
  • Return format has changed. To better stick to ACF and make use of ACF functions, ACF Country will now return values the same way select field do. ['FR' => 'France'] will now look like ['label' => 'France', 'value' => 'FR']

Looking for a ACF pre 5.7 support? Check the 1.0 branch.


Display a select list of all countries in your language.

Country names are available in every language (see available list). By default, country names are localized in your current WordPress language.

Select a single value:

ACF Country field

Or multiple ones:

ACF Country field


  • ACF 5.7+
  • PHP 5.4+

Field options

Option Default Description
Default value emtpy Set a default value for the country field (as country code)
Allow null false Enable/disable null value
Allow multiple false Enable/disable multiple countries selection
Stylised UI true Enable/disable enhanced select field thanks to Select2
Return format value  See ACF Select field


You can remove (or add) some countries with the acf/country/countries filter, example:

add_filter( 'acf/country/countries', function( $countries ) {
	return array_filter( $countries, function( $code ) {
		return !in_array( $code, ['IC', 'EA'], true );
} );

Note: PHP5.6+ example



Download the plugin and extract the archive to your plugins folder.


composer require hellonico/acf-country




This ACF field was originally developed for a personal project I don't use anymore. I still decided to maintain it anyway. If you use it in a commercial project, please consider buying me a beer.


ACF Country field - Display a select field of all countries, in any language.


Language:PHP 100.0%Language:JavaScript 0.0%Language:CSS 0.0%