nkvorn / DevStaff-Heraklion

DevStaff: A Developer Community in Crete

Home Page:http://devstaff.gr

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

DevStaff home

A Developer Community in Crete

MeetUps 🔈

The list of all MeetUps (to be) held by date:

Subscribe to [our calendar] (http://www.meetup.com/DevStaff-A-Developer-Community-Gathering-In-Crete/events/) and stay informed.

Hack Sessions 🎮

You can organize your own hack session anytime.

The list of some example hack sessions held by date:

Projects 🚧

Find Open Source Software and Projects currently developed by DevStaff Members. You can add your own by sending us a pull request.

Job Postings 📯

Check the job openings, posted by DevStaff members. You can add your own by sending us a pull request.

Org Meetups

An org meetup is a simple get-together, open to every member of our community who would like to contribute / discuss some organizational issues, future topics etc. Also a good opportunity to chat about all-things-tech :)

DevStaff is an open community. Open, as in Open Source. If you don't like anything about the community you can change it!

_Hint: Decisions are taken in Org Meetups ;) _

Shared Documents 📖

The documents section contains a list of general purpose documents (e.g. legal, business, presentations, etc.) that DevStaff members have freely shared to be used by others in the community. Sharing is caring, so please open a PR with any documents you might have that you feel other DevStaff members could use!

Chat Rooms 💬

The community uses a few different chatrooms based on Slack. Use one of them to contact us!


DevStaff: A Developer Community in Crete
