nkutsche / com.nkutsche.fuu

Helper project to handle conversions of file-URL/URIs to system file paths and back.

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File/URI/URL converter

Helper project to handle conversions of file-URL/URIs to system file paths and back.

In my XML based projects I have always the problem, that XML tools expect URI paths, but other tools (like Ant, batch/shell scripts, external java libraries) are expecting system paths. I see often in XSLT something like replace($path, '\\', '/') and concat('file:/', $path). This works fine, as long as I don't have any special characters in my path like whitespace.

I don't like such incomplete solutions, especially as Java is able to convert system paths easily into URIs and back - respecting the use file path separator on the current system.

This tiny library provides extension functions to convert URIs into file paths and back for:

  • Ant
  • XSLT
  • Executable Java Class call

Version log

Version 0.2.0

  • Reworks on Saxon compatibility by structuring to a multi-module-project
  • Update components
    • Ant

Version 0.1.1

  • Makes XSLT extension function compatible with Saxon 10.x
  • Update components
    • Ant
    • JUnit

Version 0.1.0

  • First release

How to use


System Path to URL conversion

<taskdef name="fuu-make-url" classname="com.nkutsche.fuu.ant.MakeUrlTask" classpath="/path/to/fuu.ant-xxx.jar;/path/to/fuu.core-xxx.jar"/>

<fuu-make-url path="${some.path}" property="some.url"/>

URL to System Path conversion

<taskdef name="fuu-make-loc" classname="com.nkutsche.fuu.ant.MakeLocationTask" classpath="/path/to/fuu.ant-xxx.jar;/path/to/fuu.core-xxx.jar"/>

<fuu-make-loc url="${some.url}" property="some.path"/>


To use the Saxon extension function, you have to add or create a saxon config file:

<configuration edition="HE" xmlns="http://saxon.sf.net/ns/configuration">

and add the fuu.core-xxx.jar and one of fuu.saxon99-xxx.jar or fuu.saxon100-xxx.jar to the classpath of your Java-Saxon call. Use the 99-variant if you run your stylesheet on a Saxon 9.9.x If you run it on a Saxon 10.x use the 100-variant.

The extension function fuu:path-info (namespace = http://nkutsche.com/fuu) expects in its only argument an URI or a system path. It returns a map (map(xs:string, xs:string)) with the following keys:

  • file -> java.io.File.getAbsolutePath()
  • uri -> java.net.URI.toString()
  • url -> java.net.URL.toString()

The function detects if the given string is an URI or a system path and fills the map accordingly.

<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
    exclude-result-prefixes="xs math"
    <xsl:template match="root/*">
        <xsl:variable name="path-info" select="fuu:path-info(., ())" as="map(*)"/>
            <xsl:apply-templates select="@*"/>
            <xsl:attribute name="file" select="$path-info('file')"/>
            <xsl:attribute name="uri" select="$path-info('uri')"/>
            <xsl:attribute name="url" select="$path-info('url')"/>
            <xsl:apply-templates select="node()"/>

Executable Java Class call

The given example calls the class com.example.Main with two arguments, both are file system paths:

java -cp "path/to/classpath/jars" com.example.Main path\to\file.xml file:/uri/to/file.xml 

To convert them into URIs bevor the Main class is called, you can do the following:

java -cp "path/to/classpath/jars;path/to/fuu.core-xxx.jar" com.nkutsche.fuu.exec.JExecTest com.example.Main url(path\to\file.xml) file(file:/uri/to/file.xml) 


To add one of the modules to your Maven project you have to add the following to your pom.xml:


Then you can add one of modules as dependencies to your project:

Module artifactId Description
fuu.core For the executable Java class
fuu.ant For the custom Ant step
fuu.saxon99 For the Saxon extension functions running with Saxon 9.9.x
fuu.saxon100 For the Saxon extension functions running with Saxon 10.x

Add the dependency like this to your pom.xml:



Helper project to handle conversions of file-URL/URIs to system file paths and back.


Language:Java 91.9%Language:XSLT 7.8%Language:Batchfile 0.3%