nkoehring / vue3-typescript-app-starter

A pretty functional app starter for Vue3 and Typescript.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a starter setup for your next Vue3 / Typescript app.

It uses Vue3 beta, typescript and webpack and supports some neat features:

  • router
  • lightweight global state (not Vuex)
  • typescript
  • code splitting and tree shaking
  • inserts base64 URLs for small assets (<=8kb)
  • splits large scripts into chunks to be loaded in parallel
  • prefetches async components (if browser supports prefetch hint)
  • automatically generates favicons and app icons out of your logo
  • SRI (adds integrity hashes to script tags, see SRI on MDN)


To use it you may simply fork this repository or use a tool like degit, that downloads only the code without git history for you:

yarn global add degit # or npm install -g degit
cd /path/to/your/project
degit 'nkoehring/vue3-typescript-app-starter#main' # degit defaults to master

As soon as you have the code, you can go the "typical" path, assuming you're inside your new projects directory:

yarn # or npm install
yarn build # or npm run build # builds the application
yarn dev # or npm run dev # runs a live-reload dev server

You'll find the running application at localhost:8080 or subsequent ports in case something already runs on 8080.


lighthouse score

See for yourself on lighthouse


This happened over night after setting up a new Vue3 application. It might have lots of strange quirks and misconfigurations.

Please help to make this starter setup even better by writing an issue or pull request.


A pretty functional app starter for Vue3 and Typescript.


Language:JavaScript 43.7%Language:Vue 29.1%Language:TypeScript 16.8%Language:HTML 7.7%Language:CSS 2.7%