njnur / EventApp

It is a event app where APIs are used to perform CRUD operations.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Event App

It is a event app where APIs are used to perform CRUD operations.

Installation Notes

To create a Virtual Environment. Simply run

poetry shell

If you haven't installed Poetry into your Local machine or Server. Please Install Poetry. For Installing Documentations Click Here

Install the Project Requirements from poetry.lock.

poetry install

Set up .env file in the folder directory conf/settings/.env. Sample .env file is in the .env.example file. Add the necessary environment variable values.

Run the entrypoint.sh file to install internal dependencies


To execute locally, simply run the manage.py file

python manage.py runserver

To run using Docker

docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d

To run the project using Docker [Local Dev only]

Set up you db creds of .env file according to docker-compose.yml.dev
Change your .env file like this if you do not want to change the docker-compose file.

# Database Settings

Run the following command

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml.dev build
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml.dev up -d

E2E Testing

To run end-to-end test simply run the command below. This will generate code coverage report.

pytest --cov=EventApp

API Documentation

Check the APIs in Swagger and Redoc (Only in Dev and Stage environment)


Swagger Doc

Built With

GIT branching Strategies

Gitflow is used as a Git workflow here that will help with continuous software development and implementation of DevOps practices.

Folder Structure

EventApp/               # Root Folder
|- apps/                # Main application folder that consists of all the project apps
    |- event/           # Project app
        |- static/      # App specific static file folder
        |- templates/   # App specific templates file folder
            |- event/
        |- tests/       # App specific test suit folder
        |- utils/       # App specific utility file folder
        |- views/       # Folder contains all the views for the app
        |- admin.py
        |- apps.py
        |- models.py
        |- urls.py
|- conf/                # Base folder for all the configuarations
    |- settings
        |- .env
        |- .env.example
        |- base.py      # Base settings file
        |- development.py # Settings file for developments environment
        |- production.py # Settings file for production environment
|- core/                # Base app
    |- constants
        |- constants.py
        |- defaults.py
|- log                  # Folder for all the logs
|- static
|- templates
|- .gitignore           # gitignore
|- Dockerfile
|- docker-compose.yml
|- manage.py            # Django's command-line utility
|- poetry.lock          # Required package file
|- pyproject.toml       # Project description file
|- README.md

Design Wiki

System Design - Project System Design Wiki Page


It is a event app where APIs are used to perform CRUD operations.


Language:Python 96.5%Language:Shell 3.5%