njeans / pktransfer

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Secret data transfer enclave


This project and demo is an implementation of a secret data transfer application using Intel SGX secure enclaves and blockchain based bulletin board. This application tries to solve the problem of secure data recovery by designating a semi-trusted administrator that can verify the user's identity during the recovery process. It employs different strategies to ensure accountability of the administrator. In order to limit the admin's power we implement restrictions on the number and frequency of data retrieval, have a mechanism for users to be notified of and cancel a fraudulent retrieval, and allow for public auditing of all signups and retrievals in the enclave.

Demo output

Output of Demo

  • Signup 4 users
  • Users 2,3,4 start retreival process
  • User 3 cancels retreival process
  • User 3 fails to complete retreival (because it was canceled)
  • User 4 completes retreival and checks that the correct data was recovered

Output of Demo

  • All users audit and verify the path for their merkle tree leaf node

Demo Steps

  • build Dockerfile build.sh
  • run bulletin board ./run_ganache.sh
  • run Docker in simulation mode run_sim.sh
  • run full demo


cd bin
./app > ../server.log &
cd ..
python3 demo.py
  • run only auditing portion of demo
cd bin
./app > ../server.log &
cd ..
python3 demo.py audit
  • reset demo by deleting bin/data.sealed and restarting bulleting board

pktransfer enclave code


Contains rest server that sends parses requests and calls enclave functions


Contains enclave code


public key/private key cryptography function implementations


functions related to database (add entry, create, update) and data structures


functions related to update of the timestamp


functions related to merkle tree

solidity code


solidity contract for implementation of bulletin board



Language:Rust 70.7%Language:Python 19.3%Language:Makefile 6.7%Language:Shell 1.4%Language:Solidity 1.0%Language:Dockerfile 0.9%