Reference code can be downloaded from here
This is a PyTorch implementation of the CheXNet algorithm for pathology detection in frontal chest X-ray images.
More details can be found in here.
Dataset (From NIH Clinical Center)
Database of chest X-ray images.
Download from:
Unpack archives into separate folders
images_001.tar.gz -> images_001
To Train your model, remember to change class according to your own class in In our case, it's only a binary task, so
nnClassCount = 1
You can choose whether or not change the training parameter. The default is listed:
trBatchSize = 640
trMaxEpoch = 30
Run terminal :
It should start working like:
preparing txtfile for cross validation...
fold: 1 complete
fold: 2 complete
fold: 3 complete
fold: 4 complete
fold: 5 completetraining for fold 1
Batch size: 640
Total epoch: 30Train: 443730
Train Acc: 75280
Val: 18818
------- epoch: 1 ------------------------------------------------[save] [2020_07_10-18:53:13]
train acc = 0.932 train loss = 0.454
val acc = 0.929 val loss = 0.214epoch: 2
[save] [2020_07_10-21:02:08]
train acc = 0.927 train loss = 0.411
val acc = 0.925 val loss = 0.211 ...
To test your model, remember to change class according to your own class in In our case, it's only a binary task, so 1 class
nnClassCount = 1
You can choose whether or not change the training parameter. The default is listed:
trBatchSize = 1
Set your own model name:
pathModel = "your model's path.tar"
Run terminal:
It should start woring like:
Testing default
Batch size: 1
model loaded: your_path/model/2020_07_20-14:52:07_fullset.pth.tar
Test: 18822
Start Testing...
and you may find confusion matrix and result csvfile output at your_path/plot/
Open jupyter notebook file heamap2.ipynb in your_path/plot/ and rerun the code